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Explanation of terms and acronyms related to the media and broadcasting world. Updated every week!

OBS (Open Broadcast Software)

Open Broadcaster Software or OBS is a free and open source software suitable for live streaming and recording. OBS provides broadcasting, recording, encoding, scene composition and real-time source and device capture. Primarily, data transmission is done through the Real Time Messaging Protocol (RTMP) and can be sent to any RTMP supporting destination, including several pre-sets for streaming websites for example, Facebook, Youtube, and

Key Features:

  • Scene Management: Allows you to create multiple scenes with different configurations of sources (cameras, microphones, images, etc.) and transitions between them.
  • Source Management: Supports various input sources, including cameras, microphones, desktop displays, webcams, and media files.
  • Audio Mixing: Provides tools for mixing multiple audio sources and adjusting their levels, panning, and effects.
  • Video Effects: Offers a wide range of video effects, such as chroma keying, color correction, and image filters.
  • Recording: Allows you to record your screen or camera output in various formats and resolutions.
  • Live Streaming: Enables you to stream your content live to platforms like Twitch, YouTube, Facebook, and more.
  • Plugins and Extensions: Supports a vast ecosystem of plugins and extensions that add new features and functionalities.

Use Cases:

  • Gaming: Live streaming gameplay, creating highlight videos, and recording gameplay footage.
  • Education: Recording lectures, tutorials, and online courses.
  • Business: Creating webinars, product demonstrations, and online meetings.
  • Podcasting: Recording and editing podcast episodes.
  • Content Creation: Producing video content for social media, YouTube, or other platforms.

Available on: 

  • Windows
  • Mac
  • Linux
Related Terms : No related terms!
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