
Explanation of terms and acronyms related to the media and broadcasting world. Updated every week!

4K (Ultra HD)

4K or Ultra HD is a new resolution standard designed for computer graphics and digital cinema. 4K has four times the resolution of normal 1080p HD video. 4K video has two standard types of resolution. 4096x2160 pixels for films and video production and 3840x2160 pixels for television and monitors. 4K has the following advantages: More detailed picture Larger projection surface visibility Better fast-action Higher image definition quality

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Virtual Reality (VR)

Basically, Virtual Reality (VR) means near-reality. It is an artificial environment that is created with software. VR allows a person to manipulate and experience the environment as if it were the real world. The computer is transformed into a gatekeeper to this artificial world by simulating as many senses as possible, such as vision, hearing, touch, even smell. Commonly VR effect is created by special VR headsets. When users wear these headsets, they can view the virtual environment on a…

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Augmented Reality (AR)

Augmented reality (AR) is the real time integration of user's environment with digital information. The information about the surrounding real world of the user becomes interactive and digitally manipulable with the help of AR technologies. Augmented reality uses the existing environment and overlays new information on top of it, in contrast with virtual reality, which creates a completely artificial environment. AR devices have an input device, display, processor, and sensor. This can be accomplished through gaming consoles, contact lenses, eyeglasses,…

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STB (Set Top Box)

STB or Set Top Box is a device that receives a digital signal, decode it and display it on a television. The signal can be Internet data  or a television signal and is received via telephone connection or cable. The set-top box may also be able to perform other functions such as recording television programs and playing them back , an electronic program guide, perform interactive functions such as gaming, video-on-demand and other entertainment services.  

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Upcoming Webinar

Scale on Demand: Muvi’s Application Scalability Insights
Scale on Demand: Muvi’s Application Scalability Insights

Scalability in applications means that as more people start using the app or as the app handles more data, it continues to perform well without crashing or slowing down. Imagine you’re hosting a party. If you plan well and have enough food, drinks, and space to accommodate all the guests, your party will run smoothly. But if too many people show up and you run out of resources, like food or space, your party might become chaotic. Similarly, in an application, scalability means ensuring that no matter how many users or how much data comes in, the app can handle it without breaking down. This often involves designing the app in a way that allows it to grow easily ensuring optimal resource allocation and performance ensuring high availability and cost-effectiveness. This webinar will explore scalability in apps and how it is achieved.

Why Attend the Webinar:

  • Learn about Quick Deployment
  • Vertical/Horizontal scaling
  • Integration Supports
  • Monitoring and logging
  • Database Scaling

Upcoming Webinar

May 08

9:00 AM PST

30 Minutes