After hinting the launch of Prime Music in India for months, Amazon has formally announced its partnership with Zee Music. However, the exact date of launch for the streaming service and the financial aspect of the deal is under wrap. … Continue reading
With incredible artists, huge investment, and innovative steps from record companies, 2017, has proved to be a memorable year for the music industry. However, its the streaming services who are largely responsible for the reach, popularity, and growth of the … Continue reading
Deezer is partnering with Onkyo & Pioneer and Yamaha to launch its service in Japan. The company claims that it will be the first streaming platform to offer lossless CD-quality audio in the region. The Deezer HiFi service will stream … Continue reading
Music consumption in the US rose by 9.9% in the first half of 2017 as per an analysis from BuzzAngle. As per its Mid Year 2017 report, the key trends include a 58.5% increase in audio streams, 29.5% growth in … Continue reading