
Explanation of terms and acronyms related to the media and broadcasting world. Updated every week!

Data Management Platforms (DMPs)

Data Management Platforms (DMPs) collect, organize, and analyze audience data to enable precise targeting and segmentation of video ad campaigns based on user demographics, interests, or behavior.

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Digital Rights Management (DRM)

Digital Rights Management (DRM) is an organized process to copyright protection for digital content such as video, music, eBooks etc. DRM technologies try to put a stop to illegal redistribution of digital content and limit the ways consumers can copy content they have already purchased. Usually, DRM is put into practice by inserting code that puts a stop to copying, limits the number of devices the content can be accessed on or stipulates a time period in which the content…

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Digital Video Broadcasting (DVB)

Digital Video Broadcasting (DVB) is a set of globally open standards that define digital broadcasting using existing cable, satellite and terrestrial infrastructures. These standards define the data link layer and physical layer of the distribution system. Similar to all digital communication systems, DVB uses the simple yet powerful binary digit pair i.e. ones and zeros, to link to the data that is being transmitted. Digital Television is the most accepted type of transmission handled by DVB, which consists of an…

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Upcoming Webinar

API Security in Video Streaming
API Security in Video Streaming

While video streaming, we have to deal with a lot of data which is sensitive and confidential related mostly to users and content. In order to keep that data safe and secure, we have to take certain stringent measures, as data privacy is our highest priority. Here APIs come into play to handle things like video delivery, user management, and content access. During API calls we handle multiple layers of securities to ensure only allowed data is delivered. Join me in this insightful webinar as we talk about API security in video streaming to discuss relevant best practices.

Why Attend the Webinar:

  • Common API security risks and vulnerabilities
  • Types of API cyberattacks
  • How to secure an API
  • 8 best practices for securing APIs

Upcoming Webinar

May 30

9:00 AM PST

30 Minutes