
Explanation of terms and acronyms related to the media and broadcasting world. Updated every week!

Ad Podding

 Ad pods are sequences of ads played back-to-back for OTT served content, similar to a commercial break on TV. Ad podding provides publishers the ability to return multiple ads from a single ad request. Podding is a more effective way of filling an extended ad break that offers a typical user experience.

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MBR (Multi-bitrate)

Multi Bitrate or MBR is a single stream available with multiple bitrates. With MBR, you need to encode and configure multiple streams of your content at multiple bitrates and broadcast them to your chosen CDN. End users have the choice to select the bitrate of their preference from the available bitrates (i.e.144p, 240p, 480p, 720p, and so on). The content will be continued to play on the bitrate which the user has selected, irrespective of the internet connection or bandwidth…

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OpEx or operating expenditure is an ongoing cost for running a business, system, or product. In other words, OpEx is the fund that supports your day-to-day business. OpEx can include, wages, utilities, printer cartridges, software, warranties, and contract items such as maintenance agreements or yearly service, and rent tend not to have future benefits. Rather, they are a necessity at the moment.

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CapEx or Capital expenditure is the expenses a business incurs in order to generate profits in the future. The type of industry in which a company operates mainly defines the disposition of its CapEx. So, in an IT environment, that could be servers, could be PCs, could be buying software, intellectual property, patent, or could be the engineering time needed to bring an asset into service. Capital expenditures can also include the upgrades and additions to the existing assets.  

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Upcoming Webinar

Scale on Demand: Muvi’s Application Scalability Insights
Scale on Demand: Muvi’s Application Scalability Insights

Scalability in applications means that as more people start using the app or as the app handles more data, it continues to perform well without crashing or slowing down. Imagine you’re hosting a party. If you plan well and have enough food, drinks, and space to accommodate all the guests, your party will run smoothly. But if too many people show up and you run out of resources, like food or space, your party might become chaotic. Similarly, in an application, scalability means ensuring that no matter how many users or how much data comes in, the app can handle it without breaking down. This often involves designing the app in a way that allows it to grow easily ensuring optimal resource allocation and performance ensuring high availability and cost-effectiveness. This webinar will explore scalability in apps and how it is achieved.

Why Attend the Webinar:

  • Learn about Quick Deployment
  • Vertical/Horizontal scaling
  • Integration Supports
  • Monitoring and logging
  • Database Scaling

Upcoming Webinar

May 08

9:00 AM PST

30 Minutes