Bulk Upload

Upload your videos faster and more efficiently than ever before

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Upload multiple files at once

You can now upload many files through FTP simultaneously rather than one at a time makes uploading content to your library a breeze. This feature eliminates the need for manual uploads and accelerates the content uploading process, giving you more time to focus on more important tasks

Organize your content library

Muvi Flex's Bulk Upload also helps you to organize your content library quickly and efficiently. You can bulk upload and bulk edit with .CSV file while assigning different categories, tags, and metadata to each file during the upload process, making it easier for your viewers to find and access the content they want.


Start your 14 day free trial today

  • Bulk upload
  • Powerful content management
  • Manage video content from single Panel
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Speed up video migration

If you're migrating videos from another platform to Muvi Flex, you can transfer many videos at once rather than uploading them individually, making the process more efficient.

Already using a platform?

Muvi Flex team will help you with Data Migration, Customizations, and Integrations. Switch to Muvi Flex today!

Migrate to Muvi Flex

Get Your Free Trial Today. No Purchase Required

  • Deliver rich audio/video streaming experience
  • Publish video and audio content across websites and apps
  • Stream content across the globe
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