
Store Google Meet Recordings

Automatically sync all your meeting and webinar recordings to Muvi Flex CMS using Muvi Connect!

  • Create a Central Repository For Meeting Recordings
  • Secure Them Using DRM, Anti-Screengrab, Watermarking
  • Create Playlists, Embed, Share, Distribute Them Globally
  • Analyze the Viewership of Distributed Recordings

Securely Store on Cloud - Forever

Securely Store on Cloud - Forever!

Leverage Muvi Flex's robust, secure, and scalable global cloud infrastructure to host all your meeting recordings on one central platform, forever. Secure recordings using DRM encryption, domain restrictions, dynamic and forensic watermarking, and firewall!

Automated Recording Sync

Auto-Sync Without Hassle

Download Muvi Connect from Google Workspace Marketplace and enable it to auto-sync all your meeting recordings. No need for any additional human effort!

Organize Your Videos Seamlessly

Organize Your Videos Seamlessly

Add metadata, categorize them, create playlists, and share them as HLS URLs. Experience meeting recording management like never before!

Distribute Across Platforms and Devices

Distribute Across Platforms and Devices

Let your viewers access the archived meetings via mobile, laptop, PCs, and even smart TVs! Embed them across websites and apps, and distribute them across the globe!


Start your 14 day free trial today

  • Top-notch DRM Protection
  • Restricts unauthorized access with Geo-blocking
  • Add Watermarking for Enhanced Protection
Customize Your Player

Customize Your Player

Add logos, brand colors, and customize the look and feel of your HTML5 embed player. Customize functionalities like playback speed, skip intro, and more!

Monetize It As You Want

Monetize It As You Want

Take complete control of the ad insertion process. Insert pre-roll, post-roll, and mid-roll ads as per your preferences, with no interference of any unwanted third-party ads ever!

Use VMAP, VAST tags, and customized ad creatives along with programmatic advertising and real-time bidding for accurate targeting.

Track Watch Time, Engagement, and more!

Detailed Analytics

Analyze the performance of your videos with Muvi Flex Analytics Dashboard. Track multiple parameters like watch time, engagement, location of viewers, and more! Download reports for offline access.

Central Video Hub For Your Google Meet Recordings

Store, Manage, Distribute, Categorize, Embed Your Meeting Recordings Effortlessly!

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Migrate to Muvi Flex

Get Your Free Trial Today. No Purchase Required

  • Deliver rich audio/video streaming experience
  • Publish video and audio content across websites and apps
  • Stream content across the globe
Get Started Upgrade / Cancel Anytime. No Commitments.