Encoding Profiles - Latest updates on Encoding Profiles

Audio Encoding and Profiles For High-Quality Audio Streaming Across Devices 23 July 2024

  Muvi One helps you deliver high-quality audio playbacks across several devices and network conditions. Audio encoding involves converting various audio formats into a single format and transcoding them into multiple bitrates. When you upload an audio file, Muvi One’s … Continue reading

“Per-title Encoding” or “Adaptive Bitrate Encoding” – What Is It And How Is It Used? 31 May 2023

We know that different types of videos need different bitrates and encoding settings to achieve the best quality. Per Title Encoding, also called Adaptive Bitrate Encoding, helps in achieving this objective.   In contrast to classic encoding techniques, where the same … Continue reading

Easily Customize Encoding Profiles With Muvi One 31 January 2023

  As a streaming platform owner, delivering a seamless video streaming experience to your viewers is paramount. One of the key factors in achieving this goal is through the proper encoding of your video and audio content. By default in … Continue reading