Sell Your Premium Videos Online

Upload, set your price, start earning. Muvi TV handles the rest.

Film Festivals | Health and Fitness | Yoga | Standup Comedy | Music

Tired of Earning Pennies from Ads?

Unlock Your Video's Potential with Muvi TV PPV.

Muvi TV is a pay-per-view platform built for creators with a single video they want to monetize. Simply upload your video, set your price, and Muvi TV handles the rest – secure hosting & streaming, global payments, powerful anti-piracy measures, and a fantastic landing page to share and monetize from. Focus on creating great content, and let Muvi TV take care of turning your video into a revenue stream.


The Muvi TV Advantage

The simple, secure, and profitable way to sell your premium videos.

Direct Revenue Model

Earn more per viewer with pay-per-view control compared to ad-supported models.

Direct Revenue Model

Global Reach

Sell internationally with a built-in multi-currency payment gateway.

Global Reach

Content Ownership

Retain full rights to your videos and future revenue streams.

Content Ownership

Advanced Anti-Piracy

Protect your valuable content with DRM, watermarking, and screen-recording prevention.

Advanced Anti-Piracy

No Tech. Skills Required

Focus on creating great videos, not complex website setup.

No Tech. Skills Required

Transparent Pricing

Get your earnings every 15 days with a low 10% commission and no hidden fees for storage or bandwidth.

Transparent Pricing

How Muvi TV Works

    Start earning from your premium video in minutes.

  • Sign for Free →
  • Setup your Account →
  • Upload your Content →
  • Get the Payouts.
Incredible streaming

Who Can Use Muvi TV?


Build a dedicated fanbase and generate buzz for future projects.


Premiere your independent film on your own terms, setting your own prices and release schedule.


Share your workout routines and expertise on-demand, creating a recurring revenue stream.


Connect with Fans Directly: Offer premium content and experiences beyond traditional streaming platforms.


Create a Passive Income Stream: Monetize your workshops, talks, and courses with ease.


In areas where students lack consistent internet access, Muvi Offline bridges the educational gap. Students can then access this wealth of knowledge without needing an active internet connection. Whether it's a remote village school or a student traveling, learning never stops. This ensures that every student, irrespective of their location or internet availability, has an equal opportunity to access quality education and resources.


Start earning from your premium video in minutes.

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Secure Hosting & Streaming

Your video is safe and delivered seamlessly on Muvi TV's reliable infrastructure.

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Global Monetization

Sell your video worldwide and accept payments in 135+ currencies.

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Protect your content with advanced DRM, watermarking, and screen-recording prevention.

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Built-in Website

No coding needed – your video gets a customizable landing page to promote and sell.

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Analytics & Reports

Track your sales, viewer data, and revenue growth with clear insights.

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Easy Payouts

Get your earnings directly, with flexible payout options.

Start Selling now for Free

No Upfront Fees, Pay Only When You Earn

  • No Recurring Fee - $0 / Month
  • Flat Commission - 10% + Gateway Charges*
  • No Hidden Charges
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