People Library

Profile content create cast & crew and other artists.

Manage People

Manage all the cast and crew associated with each content at one place. Create a library of human resources relevant to the content on your streaming platform and make it more informative and involving for your users.

Create Artist Page

Create bio pages for key artists associated with a content. Include their credentials in the form of filmography or discography and publish it for your users to consume.


Start your 14 day free trial today

  • Create People Library
  • Allow payments via valid mobile number
  • Mobile API for Apps
Start Free Trial

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Custom Metadata

Add custom metadata for artists wherever applicable and offer trivial information on their bio page. This will drive consumer interest and enhance the overall user experience.

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Muvi will help with Data Migration, Customizations, and Integrations. Switch to Muvi today!

Migrate to Muvi

Get Your Free Trial Today. No Purchase Required

  • Launch your very own Video/Audio Streaming Platform
  • Get Websites and Apps across devices
  • Stream Content across the Globe
Get Started Upgrade / Cancel Anytime. No Commitments.