
Explanation of terms and acronyms related to the media and broadcasting world. Updated every week!


Bandwidth is well-defined as the volume of data that can be transmitted from one point to another in a fixed amount of time. Usually, the bandwidth is expressed in bytes per second or bits per second(bps) for digital devices. Different bandwidths are required for different applications. For example, standard definition (SD) video (480p) works at 1 megabit per second (Mbps), however, high definition (HD) video (720p) works around 4 Mbps, and HDX (1080p), more than 7 Mbps. Primarily, there are…

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Bitrate describes the rate at which bits are transferred from one point to another. In simple language, it measures how much data is transmitted from one point to another in a given amount of time. Commonly, bitrate is measured in megabits per second (Mbps), kilobits per second (Kbps) or bits per second (bps). Bitrate can describe the quality of an audio or video file. For instance, a video file that is compressed at 4000 Kbps will look much better compared to…

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Blockchain is a digitized, decentralized ledger of Cryptocurrency transactions. Not only, it can be programmed to record financial transactions but virtually everything of value also. It allows market participants to keep track of digital currency transactions without central record keeping.

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In video streaming or audio streaming from the Internet, buffering refers to downloading a portion of the data before starting to play the movie or music. Having an advance stream of video frames or audio samples in RAM always avoids interruption if there are temporary delays in transmission while the content is being played. Even there would have a few seconds of delay built in for a live broadcast. For instance, when you try to play a video or audio file…

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BYOD (Bring Your Own Design)

At Muvi, we provide two types of templates for your website. One is standard template (Classic, Traditional, Modern and Physical Only) and the other one is custom template. In custom template, you can design your own template and apply it to your website. (Bring Your Own Design or BYOD). In this process you need to download the template folder from your CMS and upload it again after making the necessary changes to the template files. (For More Information Please Click…

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Upcoming Webinar

Scale on Demand: Muvi’s Application Scalability Insights
Scale on Demand: Muvi’s Application Scalability Insights

Scalability in applications means that as more people start using the app or as the app handles more data, it continues to perform well without crashing or slowing down. Imagine you’re hosting a party. If you plan well and have enough food, drinks, and space to accommodate all the guests, your party will run smoothly. But if too many people show up and you run out of resources, like food or space, your party might become chaotic. Similarly, in an application, scalability means ensuring that no matter how many users or how much data comes in, the app can handle it without breaking down. This often involves designing the app in a way that allows it to grow easily ensuring optimal resource allocation and performance ensuring high availability and cost-effectiveness. This webinar will explore scalability in apps and how it is achieved.

Why Attend the Webinar:

  • Learn about Quick Deployment
  • Vertical/Horizontal scaling
  • Integration Supports
  • Monitoring and logging
  • Database Scaling

Upcoming Webinar

May 08

9:00 AM PST

30 Minutes