
Explanation of terms and acronyms related to the media and broadcasting world. Updated every week!

SSL (Secured Socket Layer)

  SSL or Secure Socket Layer is the standard for encrypted communication between web browsers and web servers. It ensures that the communication between the browser and the server is private and encrypted. SSL is an industry standard. To protect the online transactions with their customers, millions of companies used SSL encryption technology in their websites. It allows sensitive information such as login credentials, social security numbers and credit card numbers to be transmitted securely via the internet. Google also…

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Miracast is a wireless display standard. It uses Wi-Fi connection to mirror your smartphone’s, tablet’s or laptop’s screen to large screen televisions. You don’t need HDMI cable anymore to share your device’s screen on large screen TVs. In other words, we can say it is HDMI over Wi-Fi. Miracast is designed to be a cross-platform standard, unlike protocols like Google’s Chromecast (on the Android TV devices and Chromecast) and Apple’s AirPlay (on the Apple TV).

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In general terms, webcasting is broadcasting over the Internet much like traditional radio and television broadcasts. With Webcast, you can broadcast a media presentation (Video/Audio) over the Internet with the help of streaming media technology. Here you can distribute a single content source to several real-time viewers or listeners. A webcast may either be distributed on demand or live. (How Webcasting Works)

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Multicast (many-to-many or one-to-many distribution) is the term used to define communication where information is sent from one or more points to a set of other points (From one or multiple servers to set of multiple clients). The senders (Servers) and receivers (Clients) are one or more. Multicast streaming delivers data to more than one sources at the same time, create copies only when the links to the multiple destinations split. Most of the time, Multicast is used to speak…

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Upcoming Webinar

Scale on Demand: Muvi’s Application Scalability Insights
Scale on Demand: Muvi’s Application Scalability Insights

Scalability in applications means that as more people start using the app or as the app handles more data, it continues to perform well without crashing or slowing down. Imagine you’re hosting a party. If you plan well and have enough food, drinks, and space to accommodate all the guests, your party will run smoothly. But if too many people show up and you run out of resources, like food or space, your party might become chaotic. Similarly, in an application, scalability means ensuring that no matter how many users or how much data comes in, the app can handle it without breaking down. This often involves designing the app in a way that allows it to grow easily ensuring optimal resource allocation and performance ensuring high availability and cost-effectiveness. This webinar will explore scalability in apps and how it is achieved.

Why Attend the Webinar:

  • Learn about Quick Deployment
  • Vertical/Horizontal scaling
  • Integration Supports
  • Monitoring and logging
  • Database Scaling

Upcoming Webinar

May 08

9:00 AM PST

30 Minutes