
Explanation of terms and acronyms related to the media and broadcasting world. Updated every week!

XML (Extensible Markup Language)

XML or Extensible Markup Language is a markup language much like HTML (Hyper Text Markup Language), that defines a set of rules for encoding documents in a format that is both machine-readable and human-readable. It was designed to store and transport data. XML is self-describing. Tags are not predefined. So, you must define your own tags in XML. It is extensively used in a Services Oriented Architecture (SOA).  

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Upcoming Webinar

Keep it Secure, Keep it Safe: Tips and Techniques to Protect Your Video Content
Keep it Secure, Keep it Safe: Tips and Techniques to Protect Your Video Content

Streaming content security has quickly elevated to the number one priority across the industry. That’s because billions are being lost in live event revenue, such as sporting events, to pirates each year. But securing streaming content from theft isn’t an easy task. There are hundreds of possible vectors, everything from network intrusion to player/app doppelgangers to CDN leeching, through which pirates can obtain and redistribute content. In this webinar, SVTA CEO Jason Thibeault will take a look at some of the more prominent vectors, techniques and tips to mitigate potential problems, and discuss the recent SVTA Security Working Group publication, “OTT Streaming Security Checklist.” 

Why Attend the Webinar:

  • Understand the current state of streaming piracy.
  • Understand some of the more popular ways through which pirates get access to content.
  • Learn some tips and techniques to create a “layered” approach to mitigating piracy.
  • Learn about the new SVTA publication, “OTT Streaming Security Checklist”.

Upcoming Webinar

April 25

8:00 AM PST

30 Minutes