OTT Market Projection (2022 – 2026) – Europe

Over the last decade, the media and entertainment industry has undergone a significant transformation, with OTT streaming quickly replacing traditional broadcasting. The emergence of the global OTT market has been driven by a variety of factors, including multiple device and platform compatibility, seamless streaming, a diverse range of content, and increased internet consumption. 

This lucrative sector has caught the attention of small to leading businesses. Among the global markets, the Europe OTT market stands out as one of the most dynamic regions in terms of revenue, growth opportunities, market volume, and other factors. This report provides a comprehensive overview of the Europe OTT market, including forecasts, driving factors, and growth prospects.

The Europe OTT video revenue is set to grow at 8% CAGR during the forecast period of 2022 to 2026 while the OTT video advertising is subject to remain the largest segment in Europe OTT video market with a market volume of US $27.06 billion in 2023.

In this report, we will delve deeper into the OTT market of Europe and its leading countries – The U.K., Germany, and France.

The report is going to cover the following parameters for the whole Europe market as well as for the individual countries – the U.K., Germany, and France –

  • OTT market overview (2022 – 2026)
  • Country-wise contributions
  • Key growth & driving factors
  • Rising internet penetration
  • Growing video consumption
  • Key monetization models
  • Increasing digital video usage by diverse devices
  • Growing live streaming viewership
  • Key highlights of the market potential 
  • Past five years market growth, revenue and audience behavioral patterns
  • Market projections for the forecast period of 2022 to 2026 for overall OTT market, segment-wise revenue

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