Fairplay - Latest updates on Fairplay

How Does Apple’s Fairplay DRM Protect Your Videos? 23 July 2024

  FairPlay DRM provides reliable, studio-approved digital rights management (DRM) for Apple iOS apps, iOS Safari, and Mac Safari. The purpose of this blog is to provide a comprehensive guide to implementing Apple FairPlay DRM and protecting videos from unauthorized … Continue reading

Secure Live Streaming: How to Protect your Content with DRM 10 March 2021

  Delivering a successful live stream depends on how secure your streaming platform is. Secure live streaming involves the use of DRM as unauthorized access can compromise the revenue-boosting strategies of your online video subscription business. In the next few … Continue reading

What is DRM and how to implement the right one 20 December 2017

Piracy has been an ever-growing challenge for the gargantuan volume of data floating in the world wide web. Data centers around the globe have been under continuous surveillance ever since hackers have begun displaying their mettle. Data security has been … Continue reading