The term “Real-time live streaming” is a hot topic in the broadcasting industry and often is a bone of contention between the enablers and the broadcasters. That few seconds of latency during a soccer match can be a real excitement-killer … Continue reading
The rapid adoption of live streaming in the healthcare sector has come across as a boon during the pandemic. From virtual doctor visits, remote patient monitoring, and the use of healthcare robots, live streaming has revolutionized the healthcare sector … Continue reading
Streaming video requires the working of various technologies in unison. One aspect of this process involves knowing the various streaming protocols responsible for delivering both live streams and VoD to your viewers. As more and more streaming solution providers, … Continue reading
Customers nowadays, rightfully demand a 360° user-experience when it comes to video streaming. This includes a user-friendly interface, easy content discovery options, and of course, streaming low latency buffer-free videos. To meet such high streaming standards, now, more than ever, … Continue reading
Be it vlogging, watching sports tournaments, or business product launches, Live Video has been gaining a lot of traction over the years. However, it’s hard to deliver an actual live streaming experience in real-time. Delivering an low latency … Continue reading
YouTube has enhanced its YouTube Live streaming service by introducing a lower-latency setting. Users can now switch to “Ultra-Low Latency” setting which enables them to stream video with only a few seconds of latency. This setting doesnt require any special … Continue reading