Top 5 Ways To Capture Organic Leads In 2021

Leena Fernandes Published on : 21 May 2021 8 minutes

  Generating qualified leads is no cakewalk.  From the thousands of leads received on your website, only a handful of them would fall under the ‘valuable leads’ category. Hence, to move away from the stressful process of capturing leads, businesses … Continue reading


Generating qualified leads is no cakewalk. 

From the thousands of leads received on your website, only a handful of them would fall under the ‘valuable leads’ category. Hence, to move away from the stressful process of capturing leads, businesses started to conduct ‘paid’ campaigns of lead generation. Popular examples are social media ads, PPC, and more.

While this method helps to generate huge traffic on websites as well as capture leads quicker, in the long run, this isn’t a reliable lead generation tactic. For lead generation to be successful, you need genuine leads that understand your brand caters to their need. With paid campaigns, the reliability of leads is uncertain. 

So, the experts always recommend growing your website traffic organically first. An increasing organic traffic provides a favorable environment for paid campaigns. But it’s not the other way around.

Capturing organic leads work wonders for any business such as:

  • Increase in lead conversion rates
  • Reduced expenditures
  • Offers a competitive advantage 
  • Engagement with relevant leads only
  • Improving brand growth

Here’s what you can expect from the blog in the next couple of minutes.

A step by step process to capture organic leads and Multiple examples and tips shared for better understanding

Let’s begin. 


What are ‘Organic Leads’?


Leads that visit your website without clicking on any of your paid ads, are called ‘organic leads.’ These are leads that self-research on search engines and click on only those information or content that appeals or captures their attention.


Top 5 Ways To Capture Organic Leads In 2021


  1. Identifying The Target Audience

Marketers often fail to understand their target audience. Due to this, they engage with the wrong prospects and end up making no sales. Always remember that not everyone who comes to your website is potential leads. 

Hence it is important to identify your target audience well. The list below can help you:

  • Understand the trait of your current customers and carve a target audience
  • Understand what issues your product solves and how it can benefit your customers
  • Take the help of analytics, study individual user behaviour, navigation patterns, and more to understand what draws them towards the website
  • Build a focus group and start a discussion using Twitter Space or any web conferencing tool. Join social media communities like Twitter, LinkedIn, etc. Run a survey on Twitter or ask for suggestions on open-ended questions on LinkedIn groups.
  • Use popular platforms like Reddit and Quora to understand the comments, questions answers shared related to your offerings or similar ones.
  • Keep a closer watch on your competitors as they are selling a similar product like yours. Visit their website regularly, keep a tab on their community discussions, follow their social media handles so that you stay updated about them always. Analyze their follower base and their interactions on individual posts.


  1. Improvise the Content Framework

Content plays a vital role when it comes to attracting and retaining the attention of the target audiences. However, despite its proven capabilities, businesses fail to capture leads via this method. The issue is lack of understanding on what content to be created, for whom, and what channels to be used to communicate. If this issue is resolved, it can prove to be a powerful platform to capture organic leads.

The following tricks can help you get started:

  • Write blogs. There are multiple ways to write blogs such as long-form content, short-form content, SEO blogs, how-to blogs, tutorial blogs, and more. The agenda of blogging is to capture the audience’s attention to help them learn about your business. For instance, If they read one blog and the content written captures their interest, they are bound to explore more. 

Pro tip: Before writing any blog, conduct good research on the topics. Write more on trending topics, or common issues being faced in your industry and how your product can solve them. Also, when framing a blog, keep the content simple to understand, use crisper sentences, keep at least 3-4 lines in one paragraph, use visuals, statistics, and expert opinions to deliver quality content.

  • Publish all the blogs you write on multiple social platforms. This includes Instagram, Facebook, Linkedin, Snapchat, quora, medium, Tumblr, and more. 
  • On Google, when you search for something, you immediately see a dedicated Q&A section under the heading ‘People may ask’. This section shows the related answers for the keywords used. If you add answers related to those questions, your blog will rank better.
  • Keywords make it easy to capture organic leads. By collecting relevant keywords, you can place them in your blogs to rank them better on search engines. This lets you stand out from the competitors and helps organic leads find you quicker. However, keep in mind that keyword stuffing is not ideal and can result in poor SEO performance.
  • When you search for something on the search engine, there is a box that appears on the top of the page. The snippet showcases an article that is ranked well and is being read by multiple users. Since it is displayed on top of a page, organic leads will click on it first. Work on your blogging skills to push the content on the snippet. 
  • Blog title matters as it is the first thing that will capture the lead’s attention. To create impactful titles use headline scores or SEO scores. A good score (75+) determines the high chances of the content being clicked because of the title.


  1. Incorporating Third-Party Assistance

This works similarly to influencer marketing. But instead of paying influencers, your brand can engage with similar third parties without any cost. 

For instance, if your a vegan brand, you could reach out to users who are on the lookout or use vegan products. Hence when they use your product, they will exhibit their feedbacks to their online space, garnering more views for your product.  


  1. Implementing SEO Activities

SEO (Search engine optimization) is another great way to capture organic leads. As the name states, it works on optimizing your website for better ranking and helps leads to find you quicker. 

To conduct efficient SEO actions, follow the below instructions:

  • Conduct keyword research as it lets your content rank higher on search engines. Identify which keywords leads use to find similar products like yours. Also, study the keywords your competitors are using as these keywords can be collected and used in your blogs.
  • Be regular with your content postings. All published blogs need to be of great quality to tap the attention of potential leads. 
  • While you conduct on-page SEO activities, ensure your off-page SEO activities are covered as well. Potential leads will explore your brand in-depth hence with off-page SEO tactics, give them the opportunity to be satisfied. 
  • Work on your site UI, the easier you make it for leads to learn about your brand via your website, the faster they can be converted into sales leads. Enhance your website with a clear outline, easy navigation, and crisper headers to tap attention.
  • Using data provided from SEO analytics improves your SEO strategy. 
  • Using the add me to Google search feature helps your business improve its visibility in search results.


  1. Optimize Websites

A website is the main channel for leads to learn about a business which means it needs to be the best. A detailed and informative website has the potential to convince leads into becoming loyal customers. 

Hence to create a lead driven website, follow the below steps: 

  • Use the right font, font size, colour, and style to illustrate content 
  • Make the website easily accessible. Keep it simple for leads to find data ( blogs, use cases, pricing)
  • Make use of visuals, videos, social proofs, and customer testimonials to build the foundation of trust amongst leads
  • Use conversational marketing methods to engage with leads on the pages they spend most of their time such as pricing, blogs, and more
  • Make use of chat windows to answer lead queries spontaneously
  • Create a comparison page to help leads understand your brand USPs and problem-solving capabilities
  • Update any old content on your website ( old blogs, information, statistics)
  • Work on the page speed of your website to avoid any buffering and lags ( if it takes longer to load a page, leads will exit)
  • Ensure your website is mobile responsive as most leads will view the website via their smartphones

Wrapping Up

The more organic leads come into your business, the higher your sales lead will increase better. 

Organic leads can also be referred to as sales leads because the impact they have on a business is huge. The more organic leads you cater to, the higher are your chances of increasing the loyal customer count. 

To read more such blogs, head to Muvi.  


Written by: Leena Fernandes

A writer by choice, Leena is a Content Writer at Muvi. She specializes in writing engaging blogs and has more than three years of experience in the content marketing field. When she isn’t playing with words, Leena engrosses herself in criminal and thriller novels.

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