Working with Muvi #MyStory by Akshay Salunke

Admin Published on : 17 November 2023 8 minutes

Akshay was Business Development Manager of Muvi. His helpful attitude made him quite popular amongst the teams. He joined Muvi in 2018 and worked with us till 2022 and it has been a memorable and pleasant journey with him. Recently … Continue reading

Akshay was Business Development Manager of Muvi. His helpful attitude made him quite popular amongst the teams. He joined Muvi in 2018 and worked with us till 2022 and it has been a memorable and pleasant journey with him. Recently we met him and asked about his experience so far with MUVI.  When we were having a virtual chitchat, a lot of memories popped up. 


Starting at Muvi Landing a job at Muvi was a turning point in my career. Right before I joined Muvi, I didn’t have a job because the startup I was working for suddenly shut down. So, I was looking for a good, stable and long-lasting job.During my time without a job, I received several job offers, but I turned them down in pursuit of a position that truly resonated with me. I wanted to find a workplace where I could grow and make a meaningful contribution. I had no idea that searching for the best job would bring me to Muvi. 


When I first heard about a job opening at Muvi, it felt like the perfect fit. I had a strong intuition that this was the place where I should be. So, I applied, went through the interview process, and happily accepted the job offer. 


What made this opportunity special was the fact that I had no prior experience in IT or software companies. I was about to step into the world of Software as a Service (SaaS), and I was genuinely excited about it. Ankit Pandey recognized my dedication and gave me a chance. Joining Muvi was a significant milestone for me, as it fulfilled my dream of working in the software industry. 


Why Muvi? 


  • Software Industry: In 2005, we got our first computer at home. Even before that, I had some knowledge about MS-DOS, which is a basic computer operating system. Because of that, I was able to learn how to use the computer pretty fast. I could do many things with the computer that others around me couldn’t. I understood both computer hardware and software. This made me stand out and be capable of handling computer-related tasks that others found challenging. 


Around 2007-2008, when the economy took a hit, many IT employees were losing their jobs. My parents suggested that I study Mechanical Engineering because it could open up various opportunities. I followed their advice and enrolled in Mechanical Engineering. During my engineering studies, I often took part in competitions like Robowars etc. I consistently won in these competitions at different colleges in my city and even at IIT Bombay, until I faced defeat from one of my junior students. This made me think that maybe Mechanical Engineering was the right path for me. However, when I started working at a major car manufacturing company, I realized I didn’t enjoy the work there. That’s when I decided to pursue an MBA. 


After completing my MBA, I was eager to experience the startup culture. I joined a promising organization in this field, but unfortunately, it unexpectedly shut down. This led me to think that if there was a good time to transition into the software industry, it was now. 


  • OTT Market: When I got the chance to join Muvi, I was a big fan of streaming services because I loved watching a lot of movies. I often talked about movies with a friend who is a movie critic on Rotten Tomatoes. I also noticed that more and more people were switching from regular satellite TV to streaming services because it allowed them to watch the news on their mobile devices while traveling. I even made a list of reasons why I thought the SaaS OTT (Software as a Service Over-The-Top) market was going to become very popular: 

○ Growing Demand for Streaming Services 

○ Scalability and Flexibility because of SaaS..

○ They cost less and need fewer resources. 

○ Smaller content creators can reach a global audience. 

○ They can adapt to different rules and laws in different countries to keep things safe and legal. ○ Ensuring Security and Following Regulations in Every Country 

○ etc. 


Experience at Muvi Before I became a part of the Muvi team, I had worked in several different places. But, for the first time, Muvi felt like my second home. I never worried or had doubts about going to work. I felt like I could ask even a dumb question and no one would judge me. I used to feel like I was personally responsible for the growth of the organization. One of the great things about Muvi is its open culture. I could talk to the CEO anytime I needed to. This doesn’t happen in every company, especially larger ones. Being part of a young organization like Muvi means there are many opportunities to learn and try out new things. The freedom we have here lets us implement new ideas without hesitation. 


Muvi Family 


  • Mentor/Manager: I had never sold software before, and I was filled with nervousness, especially during my first call with a potential client. I’ll never forget that moment – my manager, Ankit Pandey, was right there beside me, and I was so anxious that I was fidgeting and tapping my legs. This was also the first time I had to sell something on a virtual call to a client from outside of India. But Ankit, my manager, was a calming presence. He helped me relax and encouraged me to speak my mind freely to the client. During my early days of training, everything felt overwhelming because I was unfamiliar with many technical terms and concepts. However, my manager, Ankit, played a crucial role in helping me adapt. He not only boosted my self-assurance but also motivated me to expand my knowledge to gain that confidence. 


  • Mentor/Founder & CEO: In my previous job, I had the chance to work closely with a CEO. When I met Anshuman Das, the founder and CEO of Muvi, I quickly realized that a person’s personality defines the position, not the other way around. Anshuman had a crystal-clear vision for the organization, the product, and the work culture. What struck me the most was his humility and down-to-earth nature. He’s one of the most approachable and friendly individuals I’ve ever had the pleasure of meeting. I could ask him even the simplest work-related questions without hesitation. Anshuman Das truly embodies what it means to be a great leader. 


  • Sales Team: Working with the sales team at Muvi has been an incredible experience. It’s the best team I’ve ever had the pleasure of working with. We didn’t just work together; we were like a tight-knit family. We supported each other without hesitation, discussed opportunities openly, and always lent a helping hand. This team had a unique way of uplifting one another, and it made the work environment special. 


  • Everyone at Muvi: Before the COVID pandemic, I had the chance to visit Bhubaneswar for an annual function on two occasions. It was always a heartwarming experience. The people there were so welcoming and down-to-earth. They were not only helpful but also wonderful to have conversations with. Even though most of our interactions were through virtual meetings for work, when we met in person, it felt like reuniting with a long-lost best friend. The sense of camaraderie and hospitality among everyone at Muvi was truly memorable. 


For Future Muvi Aspirants 


  • Learn About the Product: Working in a product company like Muvi is a unique experience. No matter which department you’re in, understanding the product is essential. Take the time to familiarize yourself with the product. Dive into its use cases, understand how end-users implement it, and grasp its functionality. This knowledge is like a golden key that can unlock countless doors. It helps you in various ways, regardless of your role. 


  • Seize Learning Opportunities: At Muvi, fresh ideas are highly valued. Don’t be afraid to share your thoughts, no matter how simple or complex they seem. It’s a culture that encourages innovation and embraces new concepts. So, if you have a question or an idea, don’t hesitate to ask or put it forward and you will always have an opportunity to learn something new from all the answers. 


  • Future Insights in OTT Industry: When you’re in client meetings, take notes and learn from every interaction. Every client call can offer insights. Even if immediate implementation isn’t possible, document these insights. Keep a common repository or share them with your colleagues. This simple practice can benefit both you and the organization in the future. 


Working at Muvi is not just about your role; it’s a chance to become a well-rounded professional. Understanding the product, sharing ideas, adapting to change, and gaining insights into the industry are all part of the journey. By following these steps, you can make the most of your time at Muvi and contribute to the company’s success.

Written by: Admin

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