Working with Muvi #MyStory by Viraj Mehta

Admin Published on : 28 September 2023 6 minutes

Viraj is the Chief Marketing Officer of Muvi. He is extremely hardworking, passionate about his job and his ability to solve any problem with a calm and composed demeanor makes him apt for his role. His helpful attitude makes him … Continue reading

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Viraj is the Chief Marketing Officer of Muvi. He is extremely hardworking, passionate about his job and his ability to solve any problem with a calm and composed demeanor makes him apt for his role. His helpful attitude makes him quite popular amongst the teams. He joined Muvi way back in 2014 and again in 2021 and it has been a memorable and pleasant journey with him. Recently we met him and asked about his experience so far with MUVI.  When we were having a virtual chitchat, a lot of memories popped up. 

Why did I join Muvi?

I first heard about Muvi during my research about the online streaming market in India and which companies are bold enough to enter the same way back in 2014! This made me not just interested in Muvi, but also follow Muvi, which led me to apply for the role of Head of Marketing with them when the opportunity came up. 

I joined Muvi in 2014 for a lot of reasons – 

  1. Young Company – in 2014, Muvi was a very young company, hardly a few employees and growing fast. This was an interesting opportunity for me as one can explore multiple roles, have a lot of freedom to setup processes and structures for the product and company from the ground up. Muvi presented this unique opportunity to me where I would not only lead marketing, but be responsible for setting up it’s entire Playbook within Muvi, including dabbling with PMF, drive Product lead growth and look at not just performance marketing, but also create a brand for Muvi itself, globally! 
  2. Direct connection with the Founder & CEO – During my interaction with Muvi’s founder and CEO, Anshuman Das, it was clear that he is deeply involved and invested in the product and the company and plays an important role in its success. Having a good equation with the CEO is important for me personally as I get a clear understanding of the direction in which the company and product needs to be grown into. 
  3. Product based Company – 2014, not a lot of companies in India were entering into Product based offerings, as a majority of them were focused on Service offerings. I was clear about joining a Product based company as that was clearly going to be the next growth area not just in India, but worldover and as we are aware SaaS based companies have been growing and booming in the last few years. 
  4. Streaming Industry – In 2014, not a lot of companies were entering streaming, globally the infrastructure was also not yet ready to support the demand streaming video had, however streaming was clearly emerging as the next big growth sector by all indicators and it was only a matter of time, global infrastructure caught up with this. This made me quite keen and interested in Streaming. 

As you can see, the above 4 key points, it was quite a challenge to not say Yes to Muvi! 

What made you come back to MUVI?

I rejoined Muvi in 2021, even after I had exited Muvi, I had always kept in touch with Muvi, not just my own marketing team, but other team members, the founder as well as the product and the company as well, and I had observed it grow from a single-product company to a multi-product SaaS organization of over 250+ employees! 

Muvi’s growth not only reflected in its product lead growth but it also in the growth of its own Culture which by now, was thriving and had had all indications of something other HRs and founders can aspire to copy! 

Overall I was drawn back into Muvi due to not only its product growth but also overall professional satisfaction from work accomplishment, work-culture and work-life balance the company offered. 

What are the best things you enjoy being here?

  1. Work satisfaction – Marketing is a vast field, Muvi provides the unique opportunity to me to dabble with and meet various challenges a high growth company has from a marketing perspective. From marketing communication, various channels of marketing to product marketing and finding PMF, the challenges are unique and fun to work on. 
  2. Freedom to think and work – Muvi offers not just to me but to each and every employee that joins at any rank or team, the freedom to think, speak and work, without restrictions. You could be a developer but can share thoughts and suggestions on marketing, or you can be in support but provide your thoughts and ideas to the Sales team, there are no restrictions and walls that will prevent you from accessing other teams information or providing improvement suggestions or feedback. This freedom allows one to develop a thinking 
  3. Flat work culture – Muvi invests and believes in a flat work culture, when you have a team that feels they are part of the company and are not just an employee, their own thinking changes and this provides for the employee and company to grow in a completely different trajectory. 

Tell us something about your team.

Any manager’s requirement is to have a team that not only understands their daily tasks, work and goals, but also understands the product and company and gels into the work environment. In remote work and culture where there are no tracking and monitoring tools being used as a policy it becomes very tempting for someone to abuse some of the freedom provide, however a mature team understands this difference and uses this to their advantage to channel into not just being productive but also growing and nurturing their own skills and talent which helps them as well as the company indirectly.

Any message for people who want to join MUVI?

I won’t answer this with a statement like “Muvi is the best place to work” as that will not be appropriate. I would rather ask you, what do you look for when you are looking for a new job and change of company? What made you decide to move on from your current / last company? And how does Muvi help you tick off the boxes you are looking for? 

Beyond finding a job that matches your work aspirations, the most important aspect of switching to a new organization is its work culture and balance it offers. 

Muvi is one of the very few companies in the world that not only publishes its work culture online, but also adheres to the same. As you scroll through the document you will automatically realize how many boxes it checks off for you and also probably realize what other companies are missing, and have not even thought of, when small things are simple and straightforward. 

Most importantly, Muvi offers to each and every employee irrespective of their rank or team a sense of respect and belonging. 

Written by: Admin

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