Written by: Roshan Dwivedi
The firm, founded in 1997 as a DVD mailing company, has pivoted from its roots, now delivering the movie library and TV Shows directly to consumers across a plethora of devices. It’s meteoric rise, cemented by acquiring – or creating – those must-see shows which are now the staple of water-cooler discussions in atypical offices, has secured Netflix as a household name.
Original shows like House of Cards, Orange is the New Black, Daredevil and Marco Polo are mass consumed across the world – with Netflix aiming to be available in colossal 200 markets by 2016.
There are five factors behind this push.
1. Its original, uninterrupted content
2. Widely accessible online worldwide
3. The ‘Netflix model’ is hurting traditional satellite TV providers
4. It has a clear strategy to monetise pirates
5. It wants to make its content global
Read the entire story here.
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