Written by: Roshan Dwivedi
Amazon.com is at it again. Fresh off the multi-Emmy success of Transparent, the leading online retailer and now the second most popular VOD service is hoping to stock itself with more gems for its growing digital vault. Amazon Studios unveiled six new shows that it may add to its roster. It will make the pilots to all of the shows available later this fall, incorporating viewer ratings and comments into the decision of which ones to finance for complete first seasons.
This would seem to be a good time be Amazon, but now we have Netflix trying to crash the pilot party. Just as Amazon Studios was unveiling a star-studded lineup of pilots on Wednesday, Netflix was putting out a press release arguing that it takes time for folks to warm up to hit shows. The dot-com darling analyzed its global streaming data, looking at the inaugural seasons of a dozen of the most popular shows available on the site. It tried to determine the moment when a view was hooked, a metric that Netflix defines as the episode where at least 70% of the viewers wind up watching the entire first season.
Read the entire story here.
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