Analytics & Reports

Our advanced video analytics provide insights into viewer behavior, revenue and device stats

Measure audience engagement and tweak your content accordingly

Start your 14 day free trial today

  • - Categorize your content as per user engagement
  • - Link your platform to Google Analytics
  • - Track & Analyze your Partners' content

  • - Categorize your content as per user engagement
  • - Link your platform to Google Analytics
  • - Track & Analyze your Partners' content

Detailed Revenue Reports

Effectively monetize and re-monetize your content by tracking revenue reports in detail. Muvi One’s detailed revenue report helps you categorize and re-categorize your content as per user engagement. Muvi One tracks the revenue generated from each monetization option you deploy, be it Subscriptions, Pay Per View, Bundles, Muvi One Kart Sales, or all of them.

Top Performing Countries

See the reports on top performing countries and break it down by Watch Duration and Views. You can also add this as a widget to your dashboard so that, you are always aware where most of your loyal viewers come from.

Google Analytics Integration

Link your platform to Google Analytics and measure your platform’s performance on the go. Get reports on which content is performing and which is not, which page of your website has got the most appeal, gauge your click-through rate, etc. Analyze and formulate your content strategy accordingly to get the best out of your streaming channel.


Start your 14 day free trial today

  • Categorize your content as per user engagement
  • Link your platform to Google Analytics
  • Track & Analyze your Partners' content
Start Free Trial

Upgrade / Cancel Anytime. No Commitments.

User Behaviour

Track and understand actions like content views by users in detail. Muvi One allows you to track each content being streamed at a per-user level, thus giving you details about what’s working and what’s not working on your platform.

Analyze Content Performance

Each content performs differently and consumes a certain amount of bandwidth depending upon various factors such as the device used for streaming, geography, and content quality. Knowing which content is driving maximum views helps platform owners improve content quality providing a richer user experience and better revenue strategy for the platform.

Detailed Device Stats

In the era of Multi-devices and Multi-Screens, it is very difficult to understand what kind of device or platform a user prefers to consume content. With Muvi One’s Analytics and Reports, you get detailed information about the user’s device and browser used to stream video or audio content from your library.

Partner Content Analytics

With our Content Partner Portal, you can track & analyze the performance of your partners' content and split revenues with them. Taking this a step ahead, you can also give dedicated Whitelabel access to your partners allowing them to upload and manage their own content as well as view reports on content views and revenue share with them on the go!

Already using a platform?

Muvi will help with Data Migration, Customizations, and Integrations. Switch to Muvi today!

Migrate to Muvi

Get Your Free Trial Today. No Purchase Required

  • Launch your very own Video/Audio Streaming Platform
  • Get Websites and Apps across devices
  • Stream Content across the Globe
Get Started Upgrade / Cancel Anytime. No Commitments.