Discount Coupons

Offer discount coupons for PPV & recurring (subscription) plans with built-in coupon functionality.

Discount Coupons(1)

Built-in Coupon Engine

We try to make everything as simple as possible for our customers. Muvi One’s built-in coupon code engine comes with an intuitive interface where no coding is required to generate coupons. You can either generate one or bulk discount coupons in a single go.

Offer Flat Amount or Percentage Discount

Offer compelling flat-amount discounts and provide a straightforward and compelling incentive for your customers. Alternatively, generate percentage-based discounts to create a sense of value and encourage higher-value purchases. Whether a fixed amount or a percentage-off discount, Muvi One ensures correct calculations for all discounts.


Start your 14 day free trial today

  • Generate Coupons for PPV & Subscription Plans
  • Generate One-time Use & Multi-use Coupons
  • Restrict Coupon Usage
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Generate Single-Use Or Multi-Use Coupons

With Muvi One, generate single-use coupons, that can be used only once by multiple users and multi-use coupons that can be used multiple times by multiple users. Restrict the use of a coupon to a single user, preventing coupon abuse and ensuring fairness among customers.

Set Start & End Date for Coupons

Take control of your promotional campaigns with time-bound coupons. Muvi One's coupon engine allows you to set precise start and end dates for your discount coupons, ensuring they align seamlessly with your marketing strategies. Whether you're launching a limited-time offer, a seasonal promotion, or a targeted campaign, our intuitive interface allows you to define the validity period of your coupons with ease.

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Muvi will help with Data Migration, Customizations, and Integrations. Switch to Muvi today!

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  • Launch your very own Video/Audio Streaming Platform
  • Get Websites and Apps across devices
  • Stream Content across the Globe
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