Mass Import or Export Content to or from your Streaming Platform
Muvi facilitates bulk import of several content metadata to the library in your CMS. This feature helps you save a lot of time and the hassle of creating content metadata manually. When you are migrating your platform from one service provider to Muvi or if you already have a DAM system or an offline catalog of information prepared and would like to speed up the launch time, you can simply mass import the content data in a CSV or Excel file to Muvi.
Muvi also supports seamless export of all your content and data from the platform. Whenever you require this information, simply "export" the data and you will get the details in a downloadable file. No tickets, requests or emails are required; everything is available at the click of a button.
As simple and easy it is to import content, it's equally convenient to export as well using Muvi. No matter what your purpose is, metadata, reports, users, etc. can be exported at the click of a button using the CMS itself. No need to log tickets, contact support or any of our staff. With Muvi, the control to export all your information and data is always at your fingertips.
Muvi will help with Data Migration, Customizations, and Integrations. Switch to Muvi today!
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