Accept payments in multiple currencies or set it up as per geography
With multi-currency you can charge your users in their own local currency! Be it US Dollars, Pounds, Yuan or Indian Rupees, Even setup variable pricing for your plans in local currencies, so the same video or audio in USA can be priced at $5.00 however in UK it can be £3!
Add multiple currencies and set different pricing for each currency to become a truly global streaming platform.
With local currencies you need to add multiple payment gateways, so you can accept payments from those regions and Muvi One supports this out-of-the-box. You can add multiple payment gateways, via which you can accept local currencies in all corners of the world.
With Muvi One, you can set up multiple currencies for any monetization model . Whichever Monetization method you choose (Subscription Model and PPV), you can set up multiple currencies based on your requirements.
Muvi will help with Data Migration, Customizations, and Integrations. Switch to Muvi today!
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