Role Based Access Control (RBAC)

Create custom roles and assign specific permissions to your Muvi One CMS.

Role Based Acess Control (RBAC)

Create Custom Roles

Create custom roles and grant selective permissions in your Muvi One CMS tailored to your organization's specific needs. By defining precise permissions for each role, you ensure secure and efficient management of user access to various functions within your streaming platform CMS.

Create & Assign Roles To Sub-admins

Create users and assign roles to newly created users. By aligning each user with specific roles, you can streamline access control and ensure that every team member has the appropriate permissions to perform their tasks efficiently.

Automatic Email with Username & Password

Simplify sub-admin/user onboarding with automatic emails. Upon new user creation, users receive an email with their username, password, and a direct link to your Muvi One CMS. This provides all necessary credentials and access details in one convenient message, eliminating manual processes and ensuring sub-admins are instantly ready to start.

Give Selective Access To Sub-admins & Encourage Focused Work

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