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Tips to Boost Your Virtual Event Signup

Ishita Banik Published on : 31 May 2022
Virtual event signup


One of the most impactful results of digitization is – the growing adoption of virtual events. Corporate events to artists’ performance – virtual events have become the go-to solution to reach to the audience easily and the virtual event signup is what determines their success significantly.

Statistics say that 67% of the businesses opt for virtual events as complementary to in-person events, while 45% of the marketers believe that the main goal of virtual events is to generate pipeline. But we know it’s not just that, there are several other advantages of virtual events such as reaching out to the global audience easily, cost-effective ways to target a wider audience base, helping in brand promotion & marketing in a cost-effective way, and the list goes on. 

No wonder that businesses as well as professional individuals and artists are adopting it at an increasing rate to reach their goals. One of the common concerns here is – how to increase your virtual event signup? In this blog we will guide you through that.


Guide to Boost the Signups for Your Virtual Event

No matter how well you plan and host your virtual event, unless you promote it properly, it will not be easy to get enough attendees. Apart from opting for a quality virtual event platform, you also need to adopt the right strategies. Here’s our suggestions and marketing tips to increase your virtual event signup even without needing to take help from a virtual event organizer.

1. Do an Audience Segmentation

Even if you target a specific type of audience, it will be a good practice to segment them further to target and use marketing strategies more efficiently. Look after these pointers to nail it like a pro –

  • Who is your target audience and what are their professions, demographics, time zones, and others?
  • What will be their areas of interest to attend your virtual event? For instance, if your event is on SaaS app building guide, then different types of audiences can be interested in that such as software developers, the ones interested in launching their products, IT professionals, testers, and others. Though all of them can be interested in your event, the purpose of their interest will be different. Audience segmentation based on this factor will help you come up with more effective marketing strategies for all of them. For instance, you can highlight how the event will be useful for testing, coding, and business purposes and so on
  • On which media the audiences are most active. For example, a certain age group can be more active on Instagram & Facebook, while others on LinkedIn. This will help you have a clearer idea about which channels of communications to target for which audience and others

Also audience segmentation helps you with coming up with proper marketing strategies to boost your virtual events signup on the basis of their time zones, past activities, and others.


Also Read – Virtual Town Hall Meeting – All You Need to Know


2. Target Diverse Social Media

Over 3.6 billion people were using social media in 2020, while the number is expected to reach nearly 4.41 billion in 2025. To target the maximum number of people possible, you must do promotion by creating social media events on multiple social media channels. This will help you in several ways –

  • You can target audiences from around the globe through social media
  • You can reach out to the audiences of different age group, professions, and interests on different social media
  • There is no chance of missing out targeting the audiences who are mutually exclusive on different social media platforms
  • Cost-effective way to create the hype among the audience

It is recommended to start your event promotion beforehand so that you can have enough time to assess and modify the social media marketing strategy to make the best out of it.




3. Send Personalized Notifications

Personalized in-app notifications, personalized emails, messages, and others work well to promote such virtual events. Research says that emails with personalized subject lines are 26% more likely to be opened, while  66% of the marketers are focusing more on personalized marketing. A few tips to make it a success to boost your virtual events signup –

  • Always keep the emails brief, catchy, to-the-point and at the same time it should convey the event details
  • Focus on the personal interests the audience may have and address that in the personalized mails/messages
  • Utilize multiple communication channels to reach out to the mass audiences easily
  • Don’t forget to send in-app notifications if you have your own branded app as your existing customers are more likely to attend your virtual events
  • Focus on the new prospects and plan their personalized marketing campaigns accordingly. Remember, the approach taken for the existing customers and new prospects will be different and your email/message content, and strategies will vary too

4. Offer Early Bird Discounts

Early bird discounts are a common yet effective way to get more attendees in your virtual event. Along with that you can also give promotional offers such as discounted subscriptions, or products at discounted price, complementary offers, and others. Always do a competitive analysis on what other similar events are offering, this will help you come up with relevant and competitive offers to draw more attendees to your virtual event.

5. Showcase the Highlights of Your Event

Will there be any famous speakers at your virtual event? Or, something else that can invoke the interest among your audience? It can be your content, presentation, guests, and any other factors that you can use as the highlights of your event. Creating posters, short videos, teasers or snippets from the upcoming virtual events work well to give you the desired output. You can also do influencer collaborations to spread the word and highlights about your upcoming virtual events.

Apart from the above strategies, you should always collect the feedback of the attendees after your virtual events, so that you can improve audience desired areas in the next virtual event. Also, provide the attendees with relevant resources if applicable.


To Conclude

Virtual events are powerful for brand promotion, lead generation, customer acquisition, and many more.  It is important to ensure that the maximum number of attendees are there to make them more purposeful. The above guide will help you use the right strategies to boost virtual events signup and make them more effective than ever. At the same time you will need a competitive virtual event platform to implement all these properly. There are a lot of virtual event platforms available in the market, but only a few can let you align with your virtual event goals.

Muvi Live, an enterprise-grade live streaming platform, comes with a range of competitive solutions such as built-in CDN, your own branded app & website, live streaming from the nearest server, easy social media integration, and many more. Not only it lets you implement the above strategies easily, but helps you conduct industry-grade virtual events easily. Wondering how to start? Take a 14-days free trial today and see the results (NO credit card needed)!

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Written by: Ishita Banik

Ishita is a Content Writer with Muvi Marketing Team. Apart from business writing, she is also an acclaimed author of three best seller romantic thriller novels. In 2020, she got featured in The Hindustan Times, a leading news portal as an inspirational Indian author.

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