How Live Streaming Can Improve Your Customer Engagement in 2021

Anshuman Das Published on : 28 October 2021 3 minutes

Although live streaming had initially struggled to gain popularity over the years, in 2021 live video is the most popular form of content that the audience consumes.   Live Streaming Targets Modern Audiences Live streaming offers a great opportunity for … Continue reading

How Live streaming can Improve Customer engagement in 2021

Although live streaming had initially struggled to gain popularity over the years, in 2021 live video is the most popular form of content that the audience consumes.


Live Streaming Targets Modern Audiences

Live streaming offers a great opportunity for active user engagement as the real-time video viewing experience suits the preferences of modern audiences who are always on-the-go. While the majority of the modern and informed audience is on social media platforms, organizations are capitalizing this trend to promote their brands through live video on such social platforms thus creating an entirely new sphere of ‘social media marketing strategy’. Organizations are succeeding in reaching millennials and Generation Z audiences via the live streaming videos on social media channels and gaining maximum engagement. 


Live Streaming is Expected to Grow in the Future

Getting that push from social media, live streaming is already positioned to get even bigger. There are reports of a structural shift taking place in the media industry- a shift from TV to watching shows online. The audience of online shows are also changing- from a younger audience to inclusion of viewers ranging from all age groups. Here are the reasons why live streaming will keep growing in the future.


Increase in Internet Access

There has been an exponential increase in the usage of the internet amongst the global audience and it is expected to grow in the future. Needless to say the increase of internet access has resulted in a considerable increase in the number of live streaming content. Introduction of high speed internet like 5G has propelled watching live videos even further where individuals are gaining access to high-quality live content on their smartphones in a fraction of a second. 


Cross Platform Strategy

Live video streaming marketers  build communities around their brands through live streaming on all kinds of platforms. A cross platform strategy is involved where a live stream is pushed across various platforms like mobiles, desktops, smartphones, etc. in this way all kinds of viewers are tended to available on different kinds of platforms. In this way, live streaming helps in engaging people to your brand across different platforms.


Boost Brand Awareness

Watching a live video generally has a tendency to get retained in our subconscious more effectively than text conversations. In this way, live streaming has an edge over different other kinds of customer engagement strategies. The impact of live video is more compact and powerful and brands that promote their business though live videos on social platforms are more successful in creating brand awareness. Besides, sharing those videos also helps resonate brand consciousness. 

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Written by: Anshuman Das

Anshuman is the founder and CEO of Muvi. He’s a serial entrepreneur. Prior to starting Muvi, he founded two companies and sold one of them. A man of ideas, he has an unusual capacity for visualizing and formulating new techniques, businesses, and products and a unique flair for turning great ideas into great outcomes. He is currently based in New York.

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