Written by: Roshan Dwivedi
6 million AT&T customers have bundled wireless and video services, according to AT&T CFO John Stephens. He said at the MoffettNathanson Media and Communications Summit that AT&T has had success promotionally, bundling linear DirecTV and virtual DirecTV Now services, along with HBO and unlimited wireless products. This bundling has resulted in a dramatic response from customers said Stephens according to a Seeking Alpha transcript.
He also spoke about combining wireless and video products with AT&T’s pending $85.4 billion acquisition of Time Warner, the parent company of HBO. MVPD platform has met AT&T’s expectations nearly six months after its launch and has had phenomenal results in December, according to Stephens. He further added that AT&T is concentrated on improving the platform instead of growing the customer base in the first quarter. Read More
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