Adding GST to movie downloads could raise billions: Treasurer Joe Hockey

Roshan Dwivedi Published on : 13 April 2015 1 minute

Billions of dollars in additional revenue could be collected by applying GST to downloads of music and movies from international video on demand services such as Netflix, Treasurer Joe Hockey says. The move would see popular overseas media streaming services, … Continue reading

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Billions of dollars in additional revenue could be collected by applying GST to downloads of music and movies from international video on demand services such as Netflix, Treasurer Joe Hockey says.

The move would see popular overseas media streaming services, such as Netflix — which officially launched in the Australian market late last month — charged GST on their downloads.

State and territory treasurers agreed to work towards the change during the Council on Federal Financial Relations meeting in Canberra today.

Read the entire story here.

Written by: Roshan Dwivedi

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