A Guide to Display Ad Strategies: All you Need to Know

Sreejata Basu Published on : 07 October 2020 5 minutes

  In our previous blog Getting to Know Display Ads: An Introduction, we had explained all about display ads- the definition, kinds of display ads, pros and cons and also the various benefits of deploying display ads for your business. … Continue reading

Display Ad Strategies


In our previous blog Getting to Know Display Ads: An Introduction, we had explained all about display ads- the definition, kinds of display ads, pros and cons and also the various benefits of deploying display ads for your business. In this blog, we will explain all the possible display ad strategies to create a compelling display ad marketing campaign.


Display Ad Strategies To Get you Started


Under the large umbrella of your overall marketing strategy, it is also important to implement curated plans for each of your different marketing channels. And having a defined display ad strategy helps your business in more ways than you can imagine. So let’s get started.


1. Setting your Goals Right


Display advertising like all digital marketing strategies starts with setting up your goals. We have complied some possible display ad goals below:

  • Building brand awareness
  • Attracting lost customers through retargeting
  • Generating leads by offering a lead magnet
  • Nurturing leads through the buying process


For increased conversions down the funnel, display ads should be used to build or maintain brand awareness, and foster loyalty.


2. Get your Network Targeting Basics Right


One of the basics while framing display ads strategies is setting your network targeting right. Without the right targeting, there is a risk of delivering ads to people who are not interested in your products/services. While the process works in the same fashion to the search network, display targeting goes far beyond keywords.


Some of the different targeting options working across the display network are:


1. Keyword Targeting: Search engines serve your ads alongside content on websites that contain any target keywords defined by you.


2. Demographic Targeting: This form of targeting is based on your audience’s basic demographic profile.


3. Placement Targeting: This form of targeting facilitates you to choose which website(s) your display ads are placed or will appear on. 


4. Topic Targeting: Allows users to target a group of websites that fit within a certain topic.


5. Interest Targeting: Thanks to Google’s access to several data-points on its users, interest targeting allows you to serve display ads based on what users exactly typing into the search engine.


6. Audience Targeting: Allows you to target users who have already visited your website previously but did not convert (retargeting).


To get good returns from your display ad strategies, you must get your targeting right. Irrelevant targeting ultimately results in a low CTR and wasted budget.


3. Use Retargeting for Bringing Back Lost Leads


A form of online advertising, retargeting is a cookie-based technology that uses Javascript code to anonymously ‘follow’ your audience all over the web showing related ads to their Internet behavior and initial purchase intent. 

While running retargeting campaigns, always start with the most highly performing products/pages. Also, serving current customers is a part and parcel of this program as they are easier to convert than new prospects. Since they already have trusted your product/service, it’s easier to use retargeting as an opportunity to cross-sell and upsell your products and services to them. Another crucial factor in running retargeting campaigns is experimenting with new copy, imagery and calls-to-action to improve results. 

Retargeting builds visibility for your brand, allowing you to reach an audience that has already expressed interest in your products. Every time your customer sees your retargeting ads, your brand gains traction and more recognition. 


4. Cross-Platform Advertising


Nowadays, there are innumerable channels to advertise a product or service online- including search, display, social media, mobile, video, etc. Then, when you consider multiple device types — mobile and desktop — the opportunities multiply even more.

expanding your display ad strategy to include all of the above would ensure their message is reaching the right audiences at the right time, and delivering an optimal experience.

For achieving this, you must be where your consumer is- ie, the social media channels, websites they visit, and the devices they use. And this is exactly where cross-channel advertising excels.

The partnership between cross-platform advertising and retargeting is proven to yield results. Cross-device or cross-platform retargeting simply means reaching prospects across different devices, like desktop, mobiles, and tablets and platforms like social media, search engines, etc. Cross-device campaigns are particularly helpful when creating effective full-funnel campaigns as they allow you to expand your reach to multiple different devices. 

Muvi Ads helps you run cross-platform advertising campaigns across a range of channels and devices. With Muvi Ads, you can manage your ad inventory with advertisements of all formats and streamline delivery workflow, ensuring quickest go-to-market time, and more. 



5. Designing an Excellent Ad Creative


With your targeting set, it’s time to attract your perfect audience and get them to click – which is where creating effective and compelling ad creative comes in. things like using a catchy copy, designing visually compelling creatives, getting your messaging right and designing a compelling CTA is imperative to attracting an audience back to your site.


Wrapping Up,


Building a display advertising strategy will help you to reach a larger audience with targeted messaging. Including a robust, carefully thought-out and tested display ad strategy – can improve audience engagement, satisfaction, and conversions.

Muvi Ads lets you host and deliver multi-format retargeting ads to your websites and apps seamlessly across multiple platforms. Supporting dynamic ad insertion, geo-targeting, and low latency ad delivery, Muvi Ads requires no minimum views to open an account. Not only that, but you also get to Keep 100% of the Ad Revenue!


Take a 14-Day Free Trial of Muvi Ads, now!

Written by: Sreejata Basu

Sreejata is the Manager for Muvi’s Content Marketing unit. She is a passionate writer with a background in English Literature and music. By week Sreejata spends her time in the corporate world of Muvi, but on weekends she likes to take short hiking trips, watch movies and read interesting travelogues.

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