Tips to Increase Video Engagement

Amita Kumari Published on : 14 March 2022 5 minutes

  Video is the indisputable king of all content formats. Starting from business product/service advertisement to website traffic generation, improving social media followers to lead conversions; video content marketing has been the most preferred among business professionals. Video content is … Continue reading

increase video engagement


Video is the indisputable king of all content formats. Starting from business product/service advertisement to website traffic generation, improving social media followers to lead conversions; video content marketing has been the most preferred among business professionals.

Video content is used in almost all niches regardless of the business type. With the massive development of video content and distribution, it is not enough to have a good script, audio, and the highest video quality to attain audiences’ attention. Businesses have been in constant competition towards improving video engagement. 

In this blog, we will discuss what does video engagement mean in a business strategy and tips to increase video engagement. 

What is video engagement?

In simple words, video engagement is the parameter to decide whether a video is driving traffic or not. Or video engagement can also be defined as the number of likes, shares, comments, views received on a video. 

 These analytics of Video metrics can be of different kinds like play rate, average view duration, watch time, rewatches, top location, conversion rate, click-through rate, view count, social sharing, engagement rate, feedback, and bounce rate.

Video engagement is essential for successful business marketing. But is there any direct way to increase video engagement? Yes! By implementing the below tips businesses can easily boost their video engagement.

Tips to boost video engagement 

  • Compelling intros –

The first 5 seconds of the video decide the bounce rate. Hence, it becomes of utmost importance to represent your best ideas, stats, and essential data in the introduction, which will keep the viewer hooked with the video.

  • Short videos –

In the hyper digital world of 10 second reels and 30 second TikToks,  short videos deliver the exact information they are searching for in the first few seconds. Shorter videos generate high engagement according to a report, 56 percent of social media videos in 2021 are less than two minutes long, and every 9 out of 10 most popular Facebook videos are less than two minutes long. 

  •  Create remarkable first impressions with dynamic thumbnails –

A thumbnail  holds the potential to create a good/ bad user impression . Choosing  a click-worthy video thumbnail plays a crucial role in gaining video engagement. When thumbnails are well-designed, catchy, and visually appealing, it gives you note-worthy benefits like- boosting video conversions, increasing video views and traffic.

Tip- Some of the best ideas for thumbnails can be using a human face. It quickly grabs attention, and by adding a text like a question or a catchy key phrase, you give the viewers the benefits of clicking. 

  • Optimize your video –

By optimizing your video, you make it available in the search results. Without optimization, there is no other way any user will find it out. Some of the best video optimization practices include planning your video content for targeted user personas, including CTAs, including targeted keywords in the video description, and creating transcripts.

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  • Perform multi-platform promotional activities –

The best way to get video engagement is through multi-channel promotions. The more channels you include in your promotion activity, the higher user engagement you receive. Video promotional activities can be done on different social media platforms, through email campaigns, newsletters, and infographics. By doing this,  you are automatically creating cognizance about your video which  eventually leads to video engagement.

  • Review video analytics report for future reference –

Analytics plays a decisive role in knowing the video preferences of your audience. Video analytics include many different aspects of video engagement such as views, click-through rate, average time spent, watch span, etc. By referring to the analytics, businesses can easily determine which type of content is creating more engagement and follow suit  to boost video engagement.

Also read: Data Analytics for your OTT Streaming Business

  •  Use subtitles and text overlays –

Most users use social media apps on their mobiles and prefer to watch short videos on mute. If they don’t get what the video is about, they will simply scroll it up. To engage your audience, even on mute, it is recommended to add subtitles and text overlays to video content. It helps the audience understand the content better and minimize the bounce rate.


Video engagement can be your prime tool to gain customer retention and business success. To generate maximum video engagement, you need to pay attention to the various aspects to make video content more appealing. Engagement is all about the customer’s connection with the brand. If the customers are aware you are delivering the right set of solutions/information they are in search of, they automatically will engage with your videos.

For helping marketers to build a professional video streaming platform, Muvi One is offering a wide range of enterprise-grade features like Built-in CDN, DRM, Monetization models, VOD, Live streaming.

With Muvi One, you get fully managed, end-to-end CMS, which requires zero coding starting from the sign up to going live. Muvi being your go-to partner offers built-in infrastructure including 24*7*365 support, cloud hosting, encoding, and transcoding.

To launch your video streaming platform right away- Start your 14-day free trial today. 

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Written by: Amita Kumari

Amita is a content writer with Muvi marketing team. She has over 5+ years of experience in content creation and development. Passionate by heart, she likes to cook, write, sing and do yoga to pass time.

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