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Live Event Gamification: All You need to know

Ishita Banik Published on : 04 January 2024
Live event gamification

Have you ever attended an event that felt more like an interactive game than a traditional gathering? The rise of Live Event Gamification has transformed the dynamics of conferences, festivals, and corporate functions, offering an engaging and immersive experience for participants. 

As the question of how to captivate audiences in a world saturated with digital content becomes increasingly relevant, live event gamification emerges as a compelling answer. This innovative approach is not confined to a specific industry; rather, it has permeated diverse sectors, including conferences, trade shows, and marketing events. 

By seamlessly integrating game mechanics into live events, organizers are discovering new avenues to enhance attendee participation, boost interaction, and achieve their overarching goals more effectively. This exploration into Live Event Gamification aims to unravel the strategies, benefits, and impact of this evolving trend, shedding light on how it is reshaping the landscape of events across various domains. So, let’s get started!


What Is Live Event Gamification?

Live Event Gamification refers to the strategic incorporation of game elements and mechanics into real-time events, creating an interactive and engaging experience for participants. By leveraging elements such as challenges, rewards, and competitions, live event gamification aims to enhance audience involvement and overall enjoyment. 

This innovative approach transforms conventional events into dynamic, immersive environments where attendees actively participate, collaborate, and compete in a manner reminiscent of gameplay. The integration of game-like features, ranging from points systems to leaderboards, fosters a sense of excitement, encouraging participants to interact with event content and each other. 

Live Event Gamification is employed across various sectors, including conferences, trade shows, and marketing events, to optimize attendee engagement and achieve specific event objectives. 

As a dynamic tool in event management, it not only entertains but also promotes interaction, networking, and a memorable experience for participants, making it an increasingly popular strategy in the evolving landscape of event planning.


Advantages of Live Event Gamification

1. Enhanced Engagement

Live event gamification excels in capturing and maintaining participants’ attention, leading to heightened engagement levels. Traditional events often struggle to sustain interest, especially in the age of digital distractions. 

Gamifying live events introduces an element of competition, challenge, and excitement, encouraging attendees to actively participate and invest in the event’s activities.

The competitive nature of gamification triggers a sense of motivation, turning passive spectators into active contributors. Attendees become immersed in the event’s narrative, eagerly anticipating the next challenge or reward. This heightened engagement is not only enjoyable for participants but also creates a memorable experience, fostering a positive association with the event and its organizers.

2. Audience Interaction

One of the significant advantages of live event gamification is its ability to facilitate meaningful audience interaction. Traditional events often struggle to break the barrier between speakers and attendees, resulting in a one-way flow of information. Gamification introduces interactive elements that encourage communication, collaboration, and connection among participants.

Features such as live polls, quizzes, and challenges create opportunities for attendees to actively contribute to the event’s content. Participants can share insights, compete with each other, and collectively shape the event experience. This interaction not only enhances the overall enjoyment of the event but also creates a sense of community and shared experience among attendees.

3. Boosts Participation

Live event gamification serves as a powerful tool for increasing participant involvement. Attendees are more likely to explore different aspects of the event when they are motivated by the prospect of earning points, achieving milestones, or competing for rewards. Gamification provides a structured framework that guides participants through the event’s offerings, ensuring a more comprehensive and rewarding experience.

The element of competition embedded in gamification encourages healthy participation as attendees strive to outperform their peers. Whether it’s completing challenges, earning badges, or climbing the leaderboard, these gamified elements act as incentives that drive sustained engagement throughout the event’s duration.

Moreover, gamification often incorporates social sharing features, enabling participants to showcase their achievements and experiences. This not only extends the event’s reach beyond the physical or virtual venue but also encourages a sense of pride and accomplishment among participants.

4. Real-time Feedback

Real-time feedback has become an invaluable aspect of contemporary business strategies, enabling organizations to gather immediate insights and respond promptly to customer experiences. Through channels such as surveys, live chat, contact center, AI contact center and interactive tools, businesses can collect data on product satisfaction, event experiences, or service interactions in real time.

The advantages of real-time feedback are multifold. It allows organizations to address issues promptly, demonstrating a commitment to customer satisfaction. Positive feedback can be leveraged for immediate testimonials or promotional content. 

For events, real-time feedback helps organizers make on-the-fly adjustments, ensuring a better experience for participants. Additionally, this feedback loop fosters a sense of transparency and responsiveness, enhancing overall customer trust and loyalty.

5. Social Media Buzz

In the era of digital connectivity, social media has emerged as a powerful tool for amplifying brand messages, creating buzz, and fostering community engagement. Leveraging social media platforms such as Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, and LinkedIn enables businesses to reach a global audience and capitalize on user-generated content.

The social media buzz around a brand or event serves multiple purposes. Firstly, it increases brand visibility by reaching audiences beyond traditional marketing channels. Secondly, user-generated content, such as posts, comments, and shares, provides authentic endorsements and testimonials, influencing potential customers. Thirdly, social media buzz facilitates real-time communication with the audience, allowing brands to respond to trends, address concerns, and build a more interactive relationship with their followers.

6. Brand Visibility

Brand visibility is a critical component of a successful marketing strategy. In a crowded marketplace, being seen and recognized is key to attracting and retaining customers. Establishing a strong brand presence involves not only reaching a wide audience but also ensuring that the brand is memorable and positively associated with specific values or qualities.

Real-time events, promotions, and interactive campaigns contribute significantly to brand visibility. Leveraging digital channels and social media platforms, businesses can create memorable experiences that resonate with their target audience. Live events, in particular, offer a unique opportunity to showcase the brand’s personality, values, and offerings in real time, leaving a lasting impression on participants.

Consistency across various touchpoints, both online and offline, reinforces brand visibility. From the design of promotional materials to the messaging used in social media campaigns, maintaining a cohesive brand identity ensures that the audience easily recognizes and recalls the brand in diverse contexts.

7. Data Analytics Insights

Data analytics has revolutionized how businesses gather, interpret, and utilize information for strategic decision-making. In the context of real-time events and digital campaigns, data analytics provides invaluable insights into user behavior, preferences, and overall campaign performance.

Utilizing tools such as Google Analytics, event organizers and marketers can track website traffic, user engagement, and conversion rates in real time. This data not only informs immediate decisions during an event but also contributes to long-term planning and optimization. Understanding audience demographics, preferences, and interaction patterns allows businesses to tailor their strategies for maximum impact.

Moreover, data analytics insights extend beyond the immediate event or campaign. By analyzing historical data, businesses can identify trends, evaluate the success of past initiatives, and refine their overall marketing and branding strategies. This iterative approach, fueled by real-time and historical data, enables organizations to adapt to changing market dynamics and stay ahead of the competition.


A Guide To Live Event Gamification

Live event gamification has emerged as a powerful strategy to enhance audience engagement, interaction, and overall event experiences. By integrating game elements into real-time events, you can transform passive attendees into active participants. 

1. Audience Interaction Strategies

  • Polls and Surveys: Incorporating real-time polls and surveys engages participants by soliciting their opinions on relevant topics. For example, during a tech conference, organizers might use live polls to gauge audience interest in specific breakout sessions or to collect feedback on the relevance of the content.
  • Q&A Sessions: Gamify Q&A sessions by allowing participants to submit questions through a dedicated app or platform. The most upvoted or intriguing questions can earn points or rewards. This not only encourages participation but also ensures that the content is tailored to the audience’s interests.
  • Live Chat and Networking: Facilitate real-time communication among attendees through live chat features. Encourage participants to share insights, ask questions, and connect with each other. Platforms like Whova or Brella allow attendees to network virtually, fostering a sense of community.
  • Interactive Challenges: Introduce challenges that require participants to collaborate or compete. For instance, a sales conference might incorporate a challenge where attendees form teams and compete in a virtual sales simulation. The team with the highest performance metrics could be rewarded.
  • Gamified Social Media Engagement: Leverage social media platforms for gamified interactions. Create event-specific hashtags and encourage attendees to share photos, insights, or take part in social challenges. Recognize and reward the most creative or impactful posts.


2. Gamified Content Elements

  • Leaderboards and Points Systems: Implementing a leaderboard based on attendee participation encourages friendly competition. Assign points for various interactions such as attending sessions, asking questions, or engaging in networking. The leaderboard showcases top participants, fostering a sense of achievement.
  • Virtual Badges and Achievements: Award virtual badges or achievements for completing specific actions or milestones. For example, participants who attend all keynote sessions could receive a “Keynote Master” badge. This not only recognizes their dedication but also adds an element of gamified progression.
  • Easter Eggs and Hidden Rewards: Introduce hidden elements or “Easter eggs” within the event space or digital platform. Participants who discover these hidden gems can be rewarded with special perks, exclusive content, or entry into a giveaway. This encourages exploration and active participation.
  • Storytelling and Narrative: Infuse the event with a compelling narrative that unfolds as participants engage. This could involve a storyline that progresses with each session or challenges tied to a central theme. As attendees contribute to the narrative, they feel a sense of co-creation and immersion.
  • Augmented Reality (AR) Experiences: For in-person events, leverage AR to gamify the physical space. For instance, a trade show could use AR to create a scavenger hunt where participants scan QR codes to unlock content or clues. This adds an element of discovery and excitement to the event.


3. Real-time Rewards System

  • Instant Gratification: Design a rewards system that provides instant gratification. Whether it’s unlocking exclusive content, gaining access to a VIP lounge, or receiving a discount code, immediate rewards reinforce positive behavior and keep participants motivated.
  • Tiered Rewards: Create a tiered system where participants can unlock progressively valuable rewards based on their level of engagement. This encourages sustained participation and offers a sense of accomplishment as participants advance through the tiers.
  • Collaborative Rewards: Foster collaboration by introducing rewards that require collective participation. For instance, if the entire audience achieves a set engagement target, everyone could receive a group reward such as an extended networking session or an additional keynote speaker.
  • Sponsor Involvement: Collaborate with sponsors to provide rewards. Sponsors could offer exclusive discounts, swag, or even unique experiences for participants who engage with their content or visit their virtual booths. This not only benefits participants but also adds value to sponsor partnerships.
  • Gamified Challenges with Prizes: Introduce challenges with tangible prizes. Whether it’s a competition for the most creative user-generated content or a quiz with a sponsored product as the prize, tangible rewards add excitement and incentive for participants.


4. Social Media Integration

Social media integration has become a cornerstone of modern event strategies, fostering engagement, amplifying reach, and creating a sense of community. Integrating social media into live events not only connects participants but also extends the event’s impact beyond its physical or virtual confines.

  • Event Hashtags: Create a unique and memorable event hashtag that participants can use when posting about the event. This consolidates the social media conversation around the event and makes it easy to track and share.
  • Live Social Feeds: Display live social media feeds on event screens or virtual platforms to showcase real-time posts from participants. This not only encourages engagement but also enables attendees to see a curated stream of content related to the event.
  • Social Media Contests: Run contests or challenges on social media platforms related to the event. This could involve sharing creative photos, answering event-related questions, or creating short videos. Acknowledge and reward participants with the most creative or impactful contributions.
  • Diverse Social Media Platforms: Live Streaming: Utilize live streaming on platforms like Facebook, Instagram, or YouTube to broadcast key segments of the event. This not only includes sessions and performances but also behind-the-scenes glimpses, interviews, and Q&A sessions.


5. Event-Specific Challenges

Event-specific challenges add an element of gamification and encourage participants to actively engage with the event content, speakers, or fellow attendees. These challenges can be designed to align with event goals, themes, or sponsors.

  • Content Creation Challenges: Encourage participants to create and share content related to the event. This could include photos, videos, or written posts. Recognize and reward the most creative, insightful, or entertaining contributions.
  • Trivia and Knowledge Challenges: Design challenges that test participants’ knowledge about the event, industry, or specific topics covered. This not only adds an educational component but also sparks friendly competition.
  • Networking Challenges: Facilitate networking through challenges that encourage participants to connect with a certain number of peers, speakers, or sponsors. This enhances the overall networking experience and promotes meaningful interactions.
  • Exploration Challenges: For hybrid or virtual events, create challenges that encourage participants to explore different features of the virtual platform. This could include visiting virtual booths, attending specific sessions, or engaging in polls and surveys.


6. Participant Engagement Tactics

Engaging participants goes beyond challenges—it involves creating an immersive and memorable experience that captures their attention throughout the event. By employing various tactics, organizers can ensure participants remain actively involved.

  • Interactive Sessions: Design sessions that involve audience participation. This could include live polls, Q&A sessions, or interactive discussions. Platforms like Zoom and Microsoft Teams offer features for real-time audience engagement.
  • Virtual Lounges and Networking Spaces: Create virtual lounges or networking spaces where participants can interact in a more relaxed setting. These spaces mimic the casual encounters and conversations that often occur during in-person events.
  • Gamified Session Elements: Infuse gamification directly into event sessions. This could involve live quizzes, polls, or challenges within presentations, keeping participants attentive and actively participating.
  • Personalized Experiences: Leverage data to personalize the event experience for participants. This could include tailored recommendations for sessions, exhibitors, or networking opportunities based on participants’ interests and preferences.


7. Seamless Integration Tips

Seamless integration of gamification into existing systems is crucial for successful implementation. This section provides tips without specific examples.

  • Align with Business Goals:

Ensure gamification aligns with overall business objectives. Identify specific KPIs that gamification aims to impact, such as employee productivity, customer retention, or user engagement.

  • User-Centric Design:

Prioritize user experience through a user-centric design approach. Gamified elements should enhance the user journey, considering user preferences, demographics, and behavior.

  • API Integration:

Select gamification platforms with robust APIs for seamless integration with existing systems, such as CRM software, LMS, or Live e-commerce platforms. Additionally, consider platforms that offer compatibility with backtesting software, enabling a comprehensive evaluation of performance and effectiveness in various scenarios.

  • Scalability:

Choose scalable gamification solutions to accommodate user growth and evolving business needs, ensuring effectiveness remains as the organization expands.

  • Mobile Compatibility:

Ensure gamified elements are compatible with various platforms, including smartphones and tablets, to provide a seamless user experience.

  • Data Security and Compliance:

Prioritize data security and compliance with privacy regulations, ensuring the gamification platform adheres to industry standards for data protection.

  • Continuous Monitoring and Optimization:

Implement continuous monitoring and optimization practices. Regularly analyze user engagement data, gather feedback, and adjust gamification strategies for maximum effectiveness.

  • Training and Support:

Provide training and support for users and administrators to enhance user adoption and effective management of gamified elements.

8. Incentive Structures

Incentive structures are critical components of gamification strategies, serving as powerful motivators to drive user engagement and desired behaviors. Crafting effective incentive structures involves understanding the target audience, aligning incentives with business goals, and utilizing a mix of intrinsic and extrinsic motivators.

  • Tangible Rewards: Tangible incentives include monetary rewards, discounts, merchandise, or access to exclusive content. These tangible rewards provide users with a clear and measurable benefit for their engagement.
  • Recognition and Status: Non-monetary incentives such as badges, leaderboard rankings, or virtual achievements appeal to users seeking recognition and status within a community. These incentives leverage intrinsic motivation and foster a sense of accomplishment.
  • Gamified Progression: Designing a gamified progression system, where users unlock new levels, achievements, or privileges as they engage more, serves as a dynamic incentive. This taps into the innate human desire for progression and achievement.
  • Employee Engagement: In a workplace setting, incentives can be tied to individual or team performance, fostering healthy competition and collaboration. Recognition programs, bonuses, or professional development opportunities serve as effective incentives.
  • Customer Loyalty: Incentives for customer engagement may include loyalty points, discounts on future purchases, or access to exclusive products or services. Loyalty programs aim to build lasting relationships by rewarding recurring engagement.
  • Learning and Development: Educational platforms can utilize incentives like certificates, badges, or access to advanced courses as users progress in their learning journey. These incentives reinforce the value of continuous learning.
  • Tailoring Incentives: Personalized incentives resonate more strongly with users. Platforms can leverage user data to tailor incentives based on individual preferences, ensuring relevance and increasing the likelihood of user participation.
  • Choice-Based Incentives: Offering users a choice in their incentives allows for individualization. Whether it’s selecting from a range of rewards or customizing their gamified experience, providing choice empowers users and enhances engagement.
  • Real-time Feedback: Immediate feedback on user actions is crucial for reinforcing positive behaviors. Whether it’s completing a task, achieving a milestone, or contributing to a community, real-time feedback provides users with a sense of accomplishment.
  • Transparent Progress Tracking: Clearly displaying progress towards goals and rewards fosters transparency. Users should easily track their achievements, understand the next milestones, and visualize the pathway to rewards, creating a sense of purpose.


9. User-Friendly Platforms

User-friendly platforms are essential for the success of gamification initiatives. A seamless and intuitive user interface, coupled with accessible features, ensures that users can easily navigate, understand, and engage with gamified elements.

  • Clear Navigation: A user-friendly platform starts with clear and intuitive navigation. Users should easily find gamified features, understand their purpose, and navigate effortlessly between different sections of the platform.
  • Simplified Onboarding: Streamlining the onboarding process reduces friction for new users. Clear instructions, tooltips, and interactive tutorials can guide users through the gamification elements and functionalities.
  • Cross-Platform Compatibility: Users engage with platforms across various devices. Ensuring cross-platform compatibility, including responsiveness on desktops, tablets, and smartphones, allows for a seamless experience regardless of the device used.
  • Mobile Accessibility: With the prevalence of mobile usage, a user-friendly platform must offer a mobile-friendly interface. Mobile accessibility ensures that users can engage with gamified elements on the go.
  • Personalization: Allowing users to customize their profiles enhances personalization. This may include profile pictures, bios, or the ability to choose themes. Personalized profiles contribute to a sense of ownership and identity within the platform.
  • On-Screen Instructions: Providing on-screen instructions and guidance within the platform helps users understand the purpose and functionality of gamified features. Clarity in instructions minimizes user confusion and enhances engagement.
  • Visual Appeal: Incorporating visually appealing elements, such as graphics, animations, and color schemes, enhances the overall user experience. Engaging visuals contribute to a positive and immersive gamified environment.
  • Interactive Features: Gamified platforms should include interactive features that encourage user participation. This could involve clickable elements, drag-and-drop functionalities, or interactive challenges that make the platform dynamic and engaging.


10. Gamified Feedback Mechanisms

Effective feedback mechanisms are integral to the success of gamification strategies, providing users with insights into their progress, reinforcing positive behaviors, and fostering a sense of achievement.

  • Positive Reinforcement: Users should receive immediate and positive feedback for completing tasks, achieving milestones, or contributing to the community. Positive reinforcement strengthens the connection between actions and rewards, encouraging continued engagement.
  • Constructive Criticism: When users encounter challenges or make mistakes, providing constructive criticism rather than punitive feedback is crucial. Suggestions for improvement and guidance contribute to a supportive learning environment.
  • Visual Progress Indicators: Incorporating visual progress indicators, such as progress bars or milestone markers, allows users to track their advancement. Visual cues contribute to a sense of accomplishment and motivate users to reach the next level.
  • Achievement Badges: Awarding achievement badges for completing specific tasks or reaching significant milestones serves as a tangible representation of progress. Badges contribute to a gamified profile and showcase users’ accomplishments.
  • Competitive Elements: Leaderboards display the achievements and rankings of users, introducing a competitive element. While competition can motivate some users, it’s essential to balance this with a sense of community and inclusivity.
  • Peer Comparison: Providing users with the ability to compare their progress with peers or benchmark against community averages adds a social component. Peer comparison can inspire healthy competition and drive engagement.
  • User Input and Insights: Feedback surveys allow users to share their experiences, preferences, and suggestions for improvement. User input is valuable for refining gamification strategies, addressing pain points, and enhancing overall user satisfaction.
  • User Analytics Dashboard: Offering users access to a personal analytics dashboard allows them to review their engagement metrics, achievements, and areas for improvement. Real-time analytics empower users with data-driven insights.


Some Prominent Examples of Live Events Gamification

Live events have increasingly embraced gamification to enhance audience engagement, interaction, and overall participant experience. Here are some vivid examples of successful live events that effectively utilized gamification elements:

1. SXSW (South by Southwest)

  • Gamified Networking: SXSW, a renowned conference and festival, implemented gamification to enhance networking. Attendees could connect with others through the event app, earn points for meeting new people, and compete for leaderboard positions.
  • Interactive Challenges: SXSW incorporated interactive challenges, such as scavenger hunts and photo contests, encouraging participants to explore the event venues and share their experiences on social media.


2. Dreamforce by Salesforce

  • Trailhead Quests: Salesforce’s Dreamforce, a massive technology conference, integrated gamification through Trailhead, its online learning platform. Attendees could complete quests by engaging with content, earning badges, and competing for top spots on the leaderboard.
  • In-Session Gamification: Within conference sessions, attendees could participate in live polls, quizzes, and challenges through the Salesforce Events app, fostering real-time engagement and interactivity.


3. Adobe MAX

  • MAX Achievements: Adobe MAX, an annual creativity conference, introduced MAX Achievements, a gamified feature within the event app. Attendees earned badges and points by attending sessions, interacting with sponsors, and participating in various activities.
  • Collaborative Challenges: Adobe MAX encouraged collaboration by introducing challenges that required attendees to work together on creative projects, fostering a sense of community and shared achievement.


4. Microsoft Ignite

  • Cloud Skills Challenge: Microsoft Ignite, a technology conference, implemented the Cloud Skills Challenge, allowing attendees to earn points by completing hands-on activities and learning modules. Top scorers were eligible for exclusive rewards, creating a competitive and educational gamified experience.
  • Interactive Expo Engagement: The event featured gamified elements in the expo area, where attendees could participate in challenges at exhibitor booths, collect virtual badges, and compete for prizes.


5. TwitchCon

  • Streamer Interactivity: TwitchCon, a convention for the live streaming platform Twitch, integrated gamification by allowing attendees to interact with their favorite streamers in real life. Streamers set up challenges and activities, and attendees earned rewards by participating.
  • Community-driven Competitions: TwitchCon featured community-driven competitions, such as gaming tournaments, cosplay contests, and interactive challenges, providing a gamified environment that resonated with the gaming and streaming community.


6. Web Summit

  • Networking Matchmaking: Web Summit, a global technology conference, introduced a gamified networking matchmaking system. Attendees filled out profiles with interests and goals, and the platform algorithm matched them with potential connections, turning networking into a gamified experience.
  • Pitch Competitions: Startups at Web Summit participated in pitch competitions where they showcased their products and ideas to a global audience, earning recognition and exposure through a gamified competitive format.


7. TEDxSydney

  • Engagement through Challenges: TEDxSydney, an independently organized TED event, employed gamification by introducing challenges to the audience. Attendees could participate in activities like idea-sharing and collaborative projects, earning points for active engagement.
  • Interactive Voting: TEDxSydney incorporated real-time interactive voting during speaker sessions, allowing the audience to rate and engage with talks through the event app, influencing the direction of discussions.


To Conclude

Live events gamification has emerged pivotal for diverse industries, revolutionizing audience engagement and event experiences. From major conferences like Dreamforce and Adobe MAX to tech conventions like TwitchCon, the integration of gamification has proven highly successful in enhancing participant interaction, fostering community engagement, and ensuring memorable experiences. The dynamic and competitive elements of gamification not only cater to the gaming industry but have found widespread adoption in technology, creativity, and business conferences.

As the trend continues to gain momentum, it is evident that adopting live events gamification is no longer just an option but a strategic necessity. Event organizers across various sectors stand to benefit from the increased participant enthusiasm, improved networking opportunities, and the overall positive impact on brand perception.

For those looking to leverage the power of live events, Muvi Live offers a robust live streaming solution. With features like audience engagement tools, live stream recording, a reliable Content Delivery Network (CDN), user-friendly live Software Development Kits (SDKs), and more, Muvi Live ensures a seamless and interactive live streaming experience. 

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Live event gamification is the integration of game elements, such as points, challenges, and rewards, into real-time events to enhance attendee engagement and interaction.

Gamification in live events boosts audience participation, fosters networking, and creates memorable experiences, making your event more enjoyable and impactful.


Key benefits include increased attendee engagement, improved knowledge retention, enhanced networking opportunities, and a heightened overall event experience, leading to greater satisfaction and positive feedback.

Live event gamification is versatile and adaptable, suitable for conferences, trade shows, team-building activities, and various corporate or social gatherings.


Implementation effort varies but can range from simple point systems to complex interactive games. The level of detail depends on your event goals and the desired participant experience.

Choose gamification tools like event apps with built-in game features, interactive voting systems, or specialized gamification platforms. Ensure compatibility with your event’s technical requirements and audience preferences for optimal engagement.

Written by: Ishita Banik

Ishita is a Content Writer with Muvi Marketing Team. Apart from business writing, she is also an acclaimed author of three best seller romantic thriller novels. In 2020, she got featured in The Hindustan Times, a leading news portal as an inspirational Indian author.

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