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What are the Different Types of Videos Essential for Business Growth?

Amita Kumari Published on : 29 April 2022
Types of business videos


Videos have the x-factors to create instant engagement. They are catchy, short, informative, and accessible on websites, applications, and social media platforms. All these attributes make videos the most eligible approach to do business marketing. 

The popularity of videos on social media and the way it is accessed on the go has intrigued businesses to transform their long piece of marketing content into short video clips.

In this blog, we are going to discuss the types of business videos that can be used in marketing business products/services.

Business marketing content can be of different types like blog content, white paper, user stories, case studies, product descriptions, infographics, FAQs, etc. Each of these has the potential to drive traffic to your website, social platforms, and applications. But when it comes to getting the most out of marketing campaigns, the one key content format that needs minimal effort but shows the maximum marketing outcome is video.

Videos are created with the integration of speech, images, and words. All these components help videos to get converted into a business lead funnel. 

On top of that, business marketing videos are categorized into multiple types. Let’s discuss the most effective video types that every business must know-

Product videos

Business products are complex, and sometimes customers/website visitors need further explanation on how they can benefit from the product. Website content is not always enough to create conversion, hence adding a product video to your website can help people know more about how the product works and stick the viewers on the same page.

Product video has proved to be one of the most effective techniques to improve page views, conversions and decrease bounce rate.

The context of product videos revolves around delivering a clear idea about product features and how it is better than other products available in the market. 

Also read- What Is A Video CMS And Do You Need it?

This type of video includes infographics, charts, and real-time examples of how it solves the problems faced by the customer and also includes animations to engage the audience.

Product videos have different formats like product update videos that talk about the new feature release or software update. It helps to educate customers about how to install the updates, how the latest product functions, and what are the benefits of it?

There is no restriction over the length of the video, it varies from one video type to another. For product videos, it is recommended to keep the length between 2 to 5 minutes.


Promotional videos

When a business hosts webinars/business events, the most important thing the business focuses on is to engage the maximum number of attendees. And for this they do event/webinar promotions through social platforms, emails, call invitations, etc. Another most effective way of attracting attendees is through promotional videos. 

Promotional videos act as personal video invitations from the business to the customers and pitch the reasons why your customers/viewers must attend the event/webinar/the discussion. 

The context of promotional videos can be brief information about the topics that are going to be covered during the live session along with a CTA button. Adding a CTA button to your video makes sure your users can easily access the invitation to the webinar/event and creates a positive impression for signing up for the business event.

Also read- Why Use Professional Video Hosting Platforms?

Tip – 

To make promotional videos engaging and drive maximum conversions from them; it is recommended to keep the video short. 

The duration can be kept between 1 to 2 minutes and essentially include interesting facts, engaging visuals, and the reason why people should sign up for this.

Social videos

According to a report, in 2021 social media users numbers were recorded to be near 4.5 billion, which is almost a 9.9 percent increase as compared to 2020. With such massive numbers of users, social media platforms are undoubtedly the most upfront stage to approach your customers.

The best way to do that is to create social videos and post them on social media channels like Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, LinkedIn, etc. Brands can also use LinkedIn analytics, the analytics on Instagram, and other trackers to check video results and overall performance. If you want to further engage your audience, consider to embed LinkedIn feed into your website.

Social media users love to scroll, and if your video is on the same screen as theirs, you get a bonus point to highlight your services and introduce your brand to the prospects. This kind of branding is famous for lead conversion and website traffic generation.

Another advantageous feature attached to this type of video is that it doesn’t need any unique content. Social videos can be produced from existing content like product updates, blogs, white paper, etc. And yes with a bit of animation and creativity, you are ready to grab your audience’s attention.

The length of social videos should be between 30 seconds to 1 minute. Lengthier videos are less effective in getting user attention. Hence to shine on social media it is best to go with shorts/reels.

Live stream

Businesses host events frequently, and after the pandemic, this has shifted to online platforms. Online events/webinars are conducted regularly. To drive more participation to your online event you can take the help of a live stream. This video type is different from on-demand video and allows the audience to attend the ongoing event. Live streaming itself is a great marketing technique to generate website traffic and engagement. 

Businesses can host live streams on social media platforms like Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, Twitch, etc. For beginners, it is recommended to start with a FB live stream and get acquainted with the live streaming process.

There are several elements present in live hosting, which is the reason behind the upscaling of the numbers of live stream attendees. It includes live chat, Q & A, audience poll, graphs, stats, etc. All these elements help users to interact with the business. 

There is no fixed time limit for live streams. Depending upon the event and its duration, live stream video can go up from a few minutes to hours. 


Now that you know what are the most effective video types for your business. We recommend you to use professional video hosting platforms like Muvi Flex, which not only helps businesses in smooth video hosting but also offers an array of advanced video management services.

Muvi Flex offers enterprise-grade video management features like – an HTML5 video player, built-in CDN, multi DRM, UGC, social publishing, analytics & reports, and many more.

To know more about Muvi Flex, we request you to take a 14-day free trial of Muvi Flex CMS and explore its customer-centric functionalities.

Start your free trial now! (No credit card required)

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Written by: Amita Kumari

Amita is a content writer with Muvi marketing team. She has over 5+ years of experience in content creation and development. Passionate by heart, she likes to cook, write, sing and do yoga to pass time.

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