Written by: Roshan Dwivedi
In an industry in which over-the-top (OTT) operators are outgrowing third-party networks and convergence is gathering a huge part of the telco business, Argentina’s cable companies are calling for a new regulation to set a framework for current and future challenges. During the opening conference of Jornadas Internacionales 2015 in Buenos Aires, former members of regulators and telecom authorities shared their opinions about regulation and laws, OTT challenges and network neutrality.
“Today’s world is divided between the US and its OTT video services like Netflix and the rest of the world which invests in infrastructure on which these services run,” said Ángel García Castillejo, former telecom assessor for the Spanish Government. “In Spain, operators offer quadruple-play services in a highly competitive context and under laws written to protect free competition,” added García Castillejo.
Read the entire story here.
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