Written by: Roshan Dwivedi
Connected devices usage has increased multifold in this time of on-demand content like VoD, OTT, etc. They are being used throughout TV viewing, and not just while commercial breaks. Also TV is no more the locus of entertainment in the house. 70% people said they use a connected device while watching TV, to access email, messaging apps, and online shopping.
“Second screening is ingrained to such a degree that all screens are now equal, there’s no hierarchy, only fragmentation of attention – actually switch-screening is a much more accurate term,” says Tim Elkington, the IAB’s Chief Strategy Officer. He also said “Furthermore, entertainment is only a small part of the living room media activity. It’s now a multifunctional space where people jump between individual and group activities, be it shopping, social media, emails, work or messaging.”
Source: Digital TV Europe
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