Digital Ads - Latest updates on Digital Ads

How to Implement Digital OOH Advertising and Digital Signage Using Muvi Flex? 07 May 2024

Do you remember those paper-based billboards on streets and corners? About a decade ago, that was the OOH (out-of-home) advertising norm. Any new product or brand launch would be reflected on those large printed posters hanging tightly over the iron … Continue reading

Future of Streaming Ads: Muvi’s Advanced Ad Architecture Explained 28 March 2024

Until a few years back, “Ads” was a not-so-positive term in streaming. Many streaming platforms, including the most premium ones like Netflix and Amazon Prime Videos, used to boost their “Ad-Free” services, calling it “premium class”. But, in 2024, the … Continue reading

Identify the best advertising model for your business: Here are 5 types 20 May 2021

  Ads play an important role in any kind of business. Whether it is creating brand awareness or persuading your audience to make a purchase, the right choice of ads can generate better revenue. As you search online, there are … Continue reading

UK Ad investments to reach £19 Bn in 2017 16 November 2016

According to Media investment management group GroupM, UK advertising is going to see its eighth successive year this year. The company expected UK advertising market to grow from 6.3% in 2015 to 7.2% for 2016, and from 5.8% to 7.2% for … Continue reading

Digital Ads are Eating up TV Ad Budgets 25 August 2016

According to a MoffettNathanson analyst Michael Nathanson, if digital ads continue to grow at the rate of 20% or higher, traditional TV ad budget will start eroding drastically. The analysts stated that digital advertising grew at the rate of 27%(170 basis … Continue reading