Do you prioritize audience desire? Binge watching of contents has vastly changed the OTT landscape. Increasing consumption of streaming media contents have given rise to immense growth of OTT businesses and it can be even more effective with Binge watching phenomenon. With the rapid shift of audience from traditional TV to modern day online consumption, there is a huge surge in content and platforms to host it. In order to survive the cutthroat competition and win the war you need to emphasize bingeable contents more.
Introduction of several OTT businesses have provided consumers with multiple choices around content consumption. People started shifting from one platform to the other because of having easy access to a huge content library to continue binge-watching. Binge watching has become so popular that it feels like it has been in practice since many years back. It has been a part of the streaming media landscape and has accelerated the content consumption rate vastly.

How Binge Watching has changed Streaming Media consumption?
Move to Couch-Surfing OTT
According to research made by Deloitte, 70% of the audience binge-watch content and watch an average of 5 episodes continuously. People are watching their favorite series continuously without any break.
Pot of Gold Opportunity
The rise of OTT platforms and binge-watching format has supported traditional broadcasters to see a maximum growth in the number of subscribers. It is a tactic that ensures to provide viewers with what they want.
Binge Watching – What should you know?
Binge watching first started in the year 2003 and the concept of watching multiple episodes at a time has gained popularity around 2012. In the year 2013, Netflix decided to release all thirteen episodes in the first season of HOUSE OF CARDS at one time instead of launching them per week, and this gave rise to a new era of binge-watching streaming content. 73% of the USA citizens have admitted binge-watching their favorite contents with an average screen time of three hours and eight minutes. According to Nielsen study, adults watch four or more hours of live and streaming TV a day and this indicates individuals might be undervaluing their TV consumption.
Scale of Binging
- Globally 38% of the audience binge 1 to 2 shows over the past month
- 44% had binged 3 to 5 shows in the same period
- 8% of the people had binged six or more shows
And the Swedish and U.S are the biggest contributors to binge-watching phenomenon.
Binging Habits
Do people like to binge watch TV shows and movies because they are easily accessible to them? Humans can’t resist the instant satisfaction of watching more and more content through content recommendation and features like auto-play.
How are streaming contents consumed? – The Three Characteristics
Bingeability: Recognize how many episodes audiences watch per day to quantify viewer propensity to consume numerous episodes in a single sitting time.
Loyalty: Recognize how much (in minutes and percentage of) accessible content is viewed per month to recognize audience likeliness to stick with a program.
Program similarity: Classify programs that resemble other programs based on twin thematic characteristics, viewing audiences, as well as historical execution.
Positive effects of Binge-Watching
No Stress to your audience
Binge-watching helps your audience reduce their stress. After a long hectic day, the audience prefers watching their favorite shows and series. OTT platforms with a huge content library and AI-based recommendation engine can help audiences sit back and relax by enjoying their favorite contents.
Promotes socializing
Most people use the binge-watching phenomenon as a social connection. It provides a method of having a shared experience and connects people that aren’t always together physically.
Audience get shows over with quickly
One of the huge advantages of binge-watching shows on Netflix, Hulu, or Amazon Prime, is that it allows you to get it over and done with quickly. Getting from one show to another quickly allows you to maintain a good social life and increase productivity.
OTT Platforms with AI Recommendations – A Great Way to Win over the Competition
AI recommendation is one of the most important aspects of the Binge-watching phenomenon. Recommendation system has become quite popular in the recent past. The AI recommendation is gaining fast traction in several industries like OTT, eCommerce and many more. It is usually the information filtering system that provides relevant and appropriate recommendations to the end-users to help them binge watch contents.
Why is it important to have an AI Recommendation?
- Personalized streaming experience –
A recommendation engine lets you focus on every customer’s preferences equally. Whenever new customers choose your OTT channel, they expect to find the contents as per their taste. A recommendation engine provides your customers with what they are looking for instead of bombarding them with unwanted contents. This results in a personalized OTT store for every user.
- Easy content discoverability
Recommendation system gives your contents higher visibility. It enables your customers to find out more of your content as per their preferences. This helps your end-users discover more of your contents provided on your OTT channel. Without utilizing a recommendation engine, it is probable that many of your contents will remain unexplored. So, using an AI-based recommendation system will help your end-users discover your contents easily.
AI-Based recommendation systems analyze and manage these large data sets in order to identify the patterns, trends, and other vital parameters linked with user behavior. Ultimately, it reduces your cost and overhead for big data management while providing enhanced user experience.
- Comprehensive video analysis
AI Based recommendation in an OTT platform is equipped with deep learning and can do comprehensive video analysis. This makes the streaming experience more easy and hassle-free for the end users. It analyzes catalog by thumbnails, trailers, closed captions, and others apart from keywords as well as ratings. Additionally, they come with a suitable Application Programming Interface (API).
AI based recommendation can help your OTT platform grow considerably by helping the audience binge watch their favorite shows.
Muvi One with AI Recommendation – The Best Way to Provide a Great Binge Experience
Muvi One is the best OTT platform provider that allows you to launch multi-device OTT streaming platforms offering VOD, Live Streaming, and much more. Muvi’s AI-based recommendation engine keeps an eye on user activities and recommends customized contents to subscribers according to their taste. It serves your end-users with a personalized streaming experience that is made by several factors like viewing history, content browsing trend, streaming pattern, preferred content format, preference of genre and many more. It provides you the opportunity of witnessing the user-engagement that you always desired for. Take a free trial to explore how Muvi can help you win the streaming war with binge-watching.

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