What are the Business Benefits of DVR-enabled Live Streams?

Amita Kumari Published on : 29 April 2022 4 minutes

  Live streams are becoming popular with time and have become a virtual connection between customers and businesses. It allows viewers to attend any business event/sports event/webinar from any place in the world. The essence of Live videos continues up … Continue reading

DVR-enabled live stream


Live streams are becoming popular with time and have become a virtual connection between customers and businesses. It allows viewers to attend any business event/sports event/webinar from any place in the world.

The essence of Live videos continues up to the time it is ongoing. The problem statement with live streaming is when there is a lag in the video or due to XYZ reasons viewers lose the interaction in between. In such cases, viewers would want to rewind the stream. But is that possible?

To fulfill the demand for making live streaming more user-friendly, live streaming service providers are offering DVR-enabled live streaming services.

In this blog, we are going to discuss what is DVR live stream and how it improves user experience.

The main purpose of the business live stream is to improve brand awareness, foster the number of attendees and get maximum conversions. To make live streaming more engaging, organizers work on different aspects like giving highly valued content, stats, real-time analytics reports, polls, Q & A, FAQ, etc.

From email advertisements to social promotions, businesses spend a hefty amount of capital on advertising their live events. 

Another aspect of making live streaming engaging is making it DVR-enabled.

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What is DVR-enabled live streaming?

  • When a live stream is DVR-enabled, users can forward, rewind, and skip any part of the live video stream. It improves the user experience as users can quickly get to their favorite part of the stream and skip the part they are not interested in.
  • In case, your audience wants to restream the live session from the beginning, a DVR-enabled live stream gives the freedom to replay the live stream from the start. 
  • To make it effective towards giving a smooth user interface, live streaming video players have screen touch options for forwarding and rewinding the stream. 
  • Also, the live video players have buttons represented by timestamps. On clicking on which user can playback or fast forward the live stream.

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What are the benefits of DVR-enabled live streams?

To help the live streaming service providers to grasp the viewers’ attention and create engagement, live streaming service providers like Muvi Live is offering DVR feature, which abounds with several effective services like-

Multi-Platform support

Be it a mobile or TV, laptop or desktop, Muvi Live’s DVR feature enables users to effortlessly stream live videos with the convenience of the device they are using. 

Pause, rewind and play the live stream

With Muvi Live’s DVR-enabled live stream, the user gets exclusive authority to pause, rewind and replay the live stream. The live stream can be rewound for up to 30 minutes. In the live stream player section, users have the option ‘go live’ to play the rewound ongoing stream.

Also read- How to Publish a Pre-recorded Video as a Live Stream

DVR control through a single CMS

To help live streamers effortlessly handle DVR features, Muvi Live allows users to operate the DVR feature through a single CMS. Users can enable/disable DVR features with a single click.

Integration with third-party applications

Muvi Live’s DVR feature allows streaming businesses to integrate it with third-party applications. Making it easier for businesses to operate live streaming with their existing application systems.



In the ever-growing social marketing era, live streaming for businesses plays an important role in creating brand image and attracting social engagement. Businesses regardless of their industry type and customer base are using social media live streams to promote their services. 

To shine among the hundreds of thousands of marketers, you have to have a special feature that can appeal to social media users to engage with your live streams. That is where DVR-enabled live streams come into the picture.

When your live stream is DVR-enabled, you get noticed by the social users, and eventually, it may drive massive engagement to your live event. To explore the best benefits of DVR-enabled live streams, we encourage you to try out a 14-days free trial of Muvi Live CMS.

Muvi Live is one of the best enterprise-grade live stream service providers and offers customers a multitude of advanced features like- built-in CDN, record live streams, UGC, online video player, social media integration, analytics, video library, and many more.

Start your 14-days free trial now! (No credit card required)

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Written by: Amita Kumari

Amita is a content writer with Muvi marketing team. She has over 5+ years of experience in content creation and development. Passionate by heart, she likes to cook, write, sing and do yoga to pass time.

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