How to Manage Workflow for B2B SaaS Company

Ishita Banik Published on : 25 June 2021 5 minutes

  The B2B SaaS industry is growing quite rapidly. With the rising number of B2B SaaS companies, the competition to remain in the positions is getting even more prominent. As stated in the latest report by Statista, the global SaaS … Continue reading


The B2B SaaS industry is growing quite rapidly. With the rising number of B2B SaaS companies, the competition to remain in the positions is getting even more prominent. As stated in the latest report by Statista, the global SaaS industry is projected to reach US$ 145 Billion by 2022. This not only represents the demand for B2B SaaS but how the companies are thriving to remain in the top.

If you have your business in this industry, you must know how hectic it gets to keep track of the various tasks handled by multiple teams and their performances. And that is why you need to know how to manage workflow for B2B SaaS business.

Before we start, let’s give you a quick overview on-


Why is Workflow So Important for Your B2B SaaS Company?


  • Improved Internal & External Communication

Your SaaS business has several internal departments and respective teams such as engineering, technical, sales, finance, customer support etc. And in order to maintain good business operability, you need proper communication among the internal teams as well as with the customers or leads. A well-defined workflow improves the communication among internal teams as well as with the customers. This in turn helps your business fulfil the commitment towards its customers in terms of quality and timely delivery of services.

  • Reduced Redundancy

Keeping track of all the business activities often gets difficult without workflow management. As a result, there can be multiple duplicate activities and inconsistencies in your business back-end. Workflow management reduces such Redundancies and improves the overall productivity.

  • Meeting Deadlines

Every B2B SaaS company has their defined and undefined deadlines to complete various tasks. By managing workflow you can keep track of the respective timelines for various business activities.

  • Better Insights

workflow management system  gives you timely insights of how your  business is doing. It lets you have a clear picture of various teams’ performances, the weak & strong points, whether the content, SLAs etc. need to be updated or not, and others.

Apart from the listed points, a workflow means even more to your business as it provides the defined paths for multiple activities. And you need to manage it well to get its optimum benefits for your business.



Top Tips to Manage Workflow for B2B SaaS


  • Set your Goal

What’s the goal of your B2B SaaS business? Or, what are the targets for the internal teams in your company? For instance, you may want more productivity from the marketing team in order to increase the lead conversion rate. Or, you may have plans to grow your engineering team further to meet the changing customer requirements and so on. Setting goals will help you figure out what you are expecting from the various teams as well as the overall business. This in turn will give you more transparency in workflow management.

Also Read: How to Build a Better Customer Support Workflow

  • Workflow Automation

In this era of automation, why will your SaaS workflow be an exception? Gone are the days of doing things manually compromising with efficiency and accuracy. And the good news is, you can win half the game through workflow automation to build and manage your workflow!

  • Maintain Regular Auditing

Regular auditing leads to better workflow management. It helps you-

  • Find out the current requirements of your internal teams
  • Point out which areas need improvement
  • Know whether the communication among the internal teams is flawless
  • Get insights about how relevant the workflow is in the present scenario

You can set up the auditing frequency as annually, bi-annually, or quarterly as per your requirement.

  • Keep Updating the Content

A quality workflow requires all the relevant content to be updated in a timely manner. For instance,  you may need to make some changes in your existing SLAs to keep up with the latest market trends. And this will result in an updated workflow as well!  A workflow management system equipped with the SLA monitoring and reporting can come to rescue in this case!

  • Maintain Separate Workflows

It is a myth that a single B2B SaaS business will have a single workflow. Your business has various teams or better to say components. And it is a good practice to define separate workflow for every department starting from IT to customer care as well as workflows for the inter-communications. In this way, it will not be tiresome to manage everything by following a single path. You can smoothly manage multiple workflows by opting for a workflow management system.

Wrapping Up

The workflow is the spine of your business and managing workflow is a preliminary task to keep your business up and running. Once you focus on the workflow management, it will keep bringing positive changes even in the KPIs of your B2B company.

Muvi’s Tattle lets you build your own workflow and provides you with conversational customer support and an easy-to-track ticketing system. Tattle’s white glove support, easy data migration, and faster integration are some of its exclusive features. 

You can try Tattle for free here.

Written by: Ishita Banik

Ishita is a Content Writer with Muvi Marketing Team. Apart from business writing, she is also an acclaimed author of three best seller romantic thriller novels. In 2020, she got featured in The Hindustan Times, a leading news portal as an inspirational Indian author.

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