Online Video Advertising and its Benefits

Sreejata Basu Published on : 09 November 2020 4 minutes

Before starting with your AVoD platform, it’s important to understand how video ads are becoming so popular and why you should invest in them. In this blog, you will be getting a detailed analysis of the different forms of video … Continue reading

Online Video Advertising and its Benefits

Before starting with your AVoD platform, it’s important to understand how video ads are becoming so popular and why you should invest in them. In this blog, you will be getting a detailed analysis of the different forms of video advertisements and its benefits. 

What is Video Advertising?

Video advertising is the process of displaying ads either inside online video content as pre-roll, mid-roll and post-roll ads or as standalone ads. A majority of video ads are bought, sold and displayed programmatically using various targeting methods and may also include interactive elements.

Different Types of Video Ads

In-stream Ads– One of the most popular forms of ads are in-stream ads and they appear before, during or after video content. Some in-stream advertisements are interactive, encouraging a viewer to click a link or claim an offer.

Linear Video AdsLinear video ads are displayed before, during or after the video content, much like commercials on TV.

Non-linear Video AdsNon-linear video ads work a bit differently- they keep on running parallely with video content so users see the ad while viewing the content.

Alternatively, non-linear ads play outside the main video, sometimes as an overlay. It runs in tandem with the main video content without interrupting the audience’s viewing experience.

Shoppable Video Ad– A relatively new option is shoppable videos ad that are designed to persuade viewers to buy products.

Display Ads Vs Video Ads

Display advertising is a method of online advertising that may include banner ads (graphic or text), for attracting the audience of a website, social media platforms, or other digital mediums to take a specific action. Display ads aim to boost brand awareness and purchase intent.

However, due to a few shortcomings of display advertising, like banner blindness, etc, marketers started to look for other alternatives. This is how video ads gained popularity as these ads propel brand awareness, engagement and conversions. According to Forbes, the average internet user spends 88% more time on a web page that has video, compared to one without. Another study claims video advertisement to be responsible for increased conversions for a landing page by 86%.

Advantages of Video Ads

1. Most Popular Form of AdsMore than 80% of people around the world regularly watch videos online. Consumers invest time and sense while watching a video of their preferred product. They can make informed decisions about the products based on the information provided in the video. 

2. Increased Sales Conversion– Video advertising forms an excellent way of generating and converting sales leads as they are more engaging. Videos convey lots of information in a short time, making video advertising platform ideal for story telling which persuades a buyer to buy a product or service.

A video with a tight and eye-catchy message can offer value to users. Non-disruptive ads can help marketers to attract more customers towards their products. 


3. Mobile-Friendly– Nowadays people tend to watch video ads on their mobile devices rather than computers. According to reports, a majority of B2B customers tend to purchase a product after watching a short video about it on their mobiles.


4. SEO Friendly– video ads are SEO friendly themes too. Search engines like Google, Bing, etc. are prone to showing video content rather than other forms of content. They alter the algorithm to rank video content at the top of the page. The video content can help the marketer to rank high in Search Engine results.

Why Choose Muvi Ads?

Muvi Ads supports multi-format ad delivery including video ads across multiple platforms. Using Muvi Ads, you can source ads from local businesses and manage your ad inventory in one place! Not only that, you also get to keep 100% of the ad revenue. No Minimum views required to open an account!

Take a 14-Day Free Trial, now!


Written by: Sreejata Basu

Sreejata is the Manager for Muvi’s Content Marketing unit. She is a passionate writer with a background in English Literature and music. By week Sreejata spends her time in the corporate world of Muvi, but on weekends she likes to take short hiking trips, watch movies and read interesting travelogues.

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