When it comes to customer engagement, the first and foremost thing is to make it interactive, exciting, and on the top; it should make the audience feel valued. And that is the reason videos are considered the default choice of all digital marketers when it comes to business marketing.
Marketing videos are uploaded on the company’s website, social media channels, and emails. According to a report, uploading video on the website landing pages can hike your conversion rate up to 80 percent.
According to a report, 60% of the people selected to go for business videos rather than reading blog posts or website articles. From website traffic generation to improving brand awareness, videos effectively promote business services.
Measuring ROI with the audience’s attention is difficult
Measuring the business value or ROI for your audience’s attention in a video is difficult. Across the countries, marketing activities revolve around top-of-the-funnel activities, and brand awareness and audience attention are scrutinized when connecting those activities and allied expenditures with a measurable return on investment.

Contest for eyeballs is diverting and keeping us from transforming video
Why does digital video succeed in capturing the attention of the audience? We will discuss the success of digital video in grabbing audience attention, today’s key metric for measuring content performance, and how eyeballs distract everyone from a greater truth.
Here, the distraction keeps people from thinking through and pursuing the actual potential of digital video, which is to change into an interactive experience. A passive audience no longer exists that sits back and consumes any content pushed to them. Now it’s the era of interactive users – touching, swapping, and tapping to discover the information they need to do a better job or live a better life.
It’s high time to re-visualize the way we digitally interact by putting the individual in the driver’s seat. We should focus on serving up experiences rather than just on content. One of the best methods is to mingle user experience with video, and interactive user experience drives measurable behavior that leads to return on investment.
Why is the most video still dumb?
Today, most videos are still dumb when it doesn’t have to be. The interactive video solution in the marketplace can help businesses glean data from content within the video that people choose to consume. If you aim to educate people with video and drive awareness, you should typically have different content segments within the video that users can self-select.
You might also target several personas you are trying to reach, and they might not want the same one-size-fits-all content, or they might prefer to watch through the first 10 minutes of the video to get the valuable part for them. To make your video exciting and interactive, you need to make the content relevant and engaging to different personas.
Video Experiences that give optimistic results
Modern-day customers expect digital experiences to empower and make things easy for them by getting relevant information quicker, making enhanced decisions, and completing tasks. Some major brands like Apple, Uber, and Airbnb lead the competition and change consumer expectations forever.
Interactive digital videos turn passive content into an experience, but it also offers the mechanism for responsiveness and personalization that ultimately leads to relevancy. Relevancy in the interactive experience is all about giving people the control to find out what is most useful for them.
Immersive video experiences that invite anticipation and learning result in emotion from the individual. This emotion in video marketing website is called THE potent GRATITUDE EFFECT. In exchange, gratitude can request something that leads to higher conversion rates. Those requests could be a CTA present in the interactive part of the video. Behavior conversions and the content insights above offer the business value that leads to a return on investment.
How do you measure ROI?
Interactive video doesn’t just benefit the consumers; if implemented correctly, it allows businesses to get more from their video content to return. User experience video works extremely well in driving both the insights and behaviors that add up to ROI. Business needs to think USER EXPERIENCE first and VIDEO second. This new method of thinking leads to your ability to establish your ROI calculation and quantifiable goals before you spend a dime creating anything.
Change your strategy by transforming passive, one-size-fits-all video content into interactive, customizable videos that provide an excellent user experience. We aren’t in the passive audience anymore; we are marketing to interactive users.
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