Why is Video Paywall a must-have for Video Streaming Business?

Amita Kumari Published on : 14 February 2022 5 minutes

  The rate of video content consumption is all-time high and is expected to grow exponentially. This has compelled a massive hike in the number of video content creators and video marketing platforms.  As the video market grows in popularity, … Continue reading

Video paywall


The rate of video content consumption is all-time high and is expected to grow exponentially. This has compelled a massive hike in the number of video content creators and video marketing platforms. 

As the video market grows in popularity, many video marketers/content creators are facing difficulty generating targeted revenue. So what is the solution? How to monetize video content without compromising subscription rates.

To address this issue and provide thorough information on why video paywalls are a must-have for video streaming businesses, In this blog we’ll discuss what a paywall is, Types of paywall, and content behind a paywall generates subscriptions.

What is a paywall?

By using a paywall, digital content creators can monetize their content by putting a payment restriction on getting access to it. Paywalls can be implemented on websites and apps. The use of paywalls restricts content access and encourages website or app visitors to get a subscription to get access to the content library.

Content paywalls are categorized into three basic categories: hard paywalls, metered paywalls, and freemium paywalls.

What is a hard paywall?

A hard paywall imposes stricter restrictions on the website’s content access. It will not allow users to access any kind of content present on the website/app until and unless the user is a subscriber.

Implementation of a hard paywall is the riskiest, and since the website visitors are not getting any free content, they will be least interested in visiting your website/app. Hard paywall implementation can only be successful when the business is already a marketing leader in its niche and has high-quality, informative content which is non-obtainable on other websites. 

What is a metered paywall?

As a general behavior, most online users want a review of the content, be it an article or a video clip. A preview is something that encourages the viewers to take the next step and subscribe. Metered paywall serves exactly the same.

Metered paywalls, also known as soft paywalls, provide content access flexibility.

Soft paywall functionality can vary from industry to industry. For example, for video content businesses, metered paywall allows users to access videos for a particular time, which can be a trial period. Users can access the available videos for that particular time frame and need to subscribe to further watch the videos.

Another kind is where users get complete access to the free content available on the website/app, while the premium content needs subscriptions. Also, In some cases, 1 or 2 episodes of a series are free, and to access all the episodes, users need to take a subscription. Implementation of a soft paywall is effective towards website visitor conversion to paid subscribers.

What is a freemium paywall?

Freemium monetization looks kind of similar to a metered one. Under this model, users get basic access for free for lifetime. Essentially, this system operates on the premise that the user is first enticed by the valuable free content, and then the user develops a strong desire to obtain a subscription through which he or she can access the entire content library.

Here the free content is ad-supported, so in most cases, users convert into subscribers to get ad-free content.

This type of paywall has proved to be the best for driving traffic towards websites, apps and increasing brand value and popularity.

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Why should you consider using a video paywall for your video content?

By implementing paywall services into your video content marketing, you can protect your content from free access and expand your video streaming business with higher revenue generation.

Being exclusive, paid video content is way more popular among users, and the demand is skyrocketing. According to a recent survey conducted on OTT users in India, around 62% of consumers have subscribed to one or more OTT platforms since March 2020.

If your video content is engaging, users feel your content behind the paywall is worth getting paid to access. They want to access the complete video library without any ad interruption. As a result, users will definitely like to get the subscription.

Hence, It is the perfect time to boost your video content business by implementing paywalls.

With content paywall, you get-

  • Complete control over who can access your video content.
  • Continue to generate a high level of revenue consistently.
  • Improve brand image.
  • Gain a loyal customer base.


In the video marketing industry, paywall services support monetization models like SVOD (Subscription-based Video on Demand), TVOD (Transactional-based Video on Demand), AVOD (Advertisement-based Video on Demand) and Hybrid (SVOD + TVOD).

In the SVOD monetization model, subscribers need to pay a subscription fee to get access to the video library. Current OTT platform leaders, HBO Max, and Netflix are working on SVOD monetization model.

TVOD works on a pay-per-view concept, where users just have to pay a certain amount of money to view the content. The content access period can vary from business to business. TVOD model is used by e-learning businesses like Udemy and BYJU’s, apart from that OTT industry giants like Netflix also support TVOD. 

AVOD model inserts advertisements into videos to monetize it. The AVOD model is used by YouTube, ViacomCBS, Sony Crackle, Tubi and Peacock.

To get the most benefit from video paywall, we recommend you to partner with a professional video hosting service provider. Muvi One is one of the industry leaders in live streaming and video hosting service providers. Muvi is offering clients customizable services to launch their own multi device video streaming platforms. 

Muvi’s video paywall supports-

  • Content monetization options like Subscription, PPV, Advertisement, Pre-order, Bundles, Credits, etc.
  • Promotional options like coupons, vouchers, and gift vouchers.
  • Access to the wallet balance.

To learn more about Muvi One’s exclusive features and offerings, we would like you to take a 14-day free trial of Muvi CRM and explore how Muvi has simplified video monetization.

Start your free trial now! 

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Written by: Amita Kumari

Amita is a content writer with Muvi marketing team. She has over 5+ years of experience in content creation and development. Passionate by heart, she likes to cook, write, sing and do yoga to pass time.

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