OTT Video Services - Latest updates on OTT Video Services

OTT and the Challenge of Live-Linear Channels 13 May 2015

The growth of over-the-top (OTT) video delivery has been nothing short of spectacular. In the last 12 months alone, OTT has grown to $9–12 billion in global revenues, with $1.9 billion of those revenues coming from emerging markets, according to … Continue reading

Retail OTT STBs will pass IPTV STB shipments this year – IHS 12 May 2015

  The shipment of over-the-top (OTT) set-top boxes (STBs) sold at retail will this year pass shipments of IPTV STBs used for pay TV services, IHS said. The global number of retail OTT STBs shipped, including Apple TV, Chromecast and … Continue reading

Wheeler Wants Pay-TV Status for OTT 11 May 2015

In a move aimed at promoting more video competition, FCC Chairman Tom Wheeler wants to broaden the US regulatory definition of a pay-TV provider to cover many OTT video services providers. Wheeler made his preferences clear in his keynote address … Continue reading

Soccer Pirates Shift to TV From Computers as Set-Top Boxes Surge 08 May 2015

“There’s a lot of old-style detective work,” said McGowan, director of operations for Glasgow ID Inquiries, which does investigations for the English Premier League. “Walking around, going into pubs to see what they’re showing, paying attention.” Sales of the OTT … Continue reading

Major Cable TV Deals Lined Up: Will FCC Say Yes? 08 May 2015

Mergers and acquisitions have been a common phenomenon in the U.S. pay-TV industry despite the formation of strict regulations by the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) to put a check on monopolistic practices. Yesterday, at the Internet & Television Expo in … Continue reading

Cord cutter threat remains real as OTT quality, content choice improve 07 May 2015

To cut the cord or not is a conversation that is increasingly taking place in households worldwide, according to a new report from Limelight Networks. In its annual “State of Online Video Survey,” the digital content delivery provider suggests that … Continue reading

Broadcast Asia 2015 : The Future Of TV 05 May 2015

When HBO announced its plans for HBO Now, a standalone video streaming service that does not require subscribers to sign up for a cable TV service, it raised a few eyebrows among industry watchers. After all, the US cable programming giant, … Continue reading

Europe has Google, Netflix, WhatsApp and Skype in its sights 04 May 2015

European Union regulators are set to widen their front against US tech companies just two weeks after the launch of its competition case against Google by initiating a new probe into a range of online ott platforms. The move marks a … Continue reading

Video Creators Look for Piracy Solutions to Protect Breakout Hits 30 April 2015

For computer shoppers in the late ’90s, it was all about the megahertz. Does this model have 266MHz? 300MHz? Is it a screamer at 500MHz? Every bump up represented a huge boost in computing power. At a certain point, however, … Continue reading