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Top 5 Features that make an eLearning Platform Interactive

Rakesh Ranjan Published on : 13 May 2019
Interactive eLearning Platform

Interactivity in eLearning can work wonders, far beyond your imagination. The higher is the scope of interactivity in online education, the more it motivates the learners towards critical thinking and holistic learning.

It has been observed that online learners engage better on an interactive eLearning platform, and build an environment suitable for active learning. eLearning interactivity induces alertness and long-term memory activation among the learners and helps them in improving their performances efficiently. Not only that, interactive online sessions encourage decision making and allow users to respond smartly.


Top 5 Features that make an eLearning Platform Interactive


Indeed, the degree of interactivity contributes to the overall quality of an eLearning portal.

In that case, what do you think it takes to develop an interactive eLearning platform?

Is it all about the course content only?

Well, content is king. but even a king is guarded by armors. Similarly, an eLearning platform has to have a set of characteristics, including lms development services, in addition to your unique content that can not only attract the interest of the users but also leads to active eLearning session ensuring their retention.

For a better understanding of what it takes to configure an interactive eLearning portal, let’s have a look at top 5 tested and proven attributes of an interactive LMS solution that ensures better traffic and engagement.


Sharper UI

Presentation is the first thing users see when exploring an eLearning platform. Before making a decision whether to subscribe or not, they simply browse the entire app and determine the look & feel as well as the functionality of the eLearning module.

In such scenarios, everything including the portal’s layout, graphics, videos, icons, color palate, and navigation referring to the User Interface or UI, effectively contributes to eLearning interactivity. When users navigate clearly through the eLearning app/website and find it easy to access the course content, the extraneous cognitive load on them is greatly reduced, and hence they make a decision in favor of the platform.

Remember, UI is never about making the screen look pretty, it’s always about guiding users through the learning experience. Just integrate necessary design standards that today’s online users are familiar with, and allow them to interact transparently on your portal.


Collaborative Dashboard

eLearning is not only about streaming video courses and reading the lines of text, but it’s also something much more advanced and interactive. The primary factor that makes online education highly engaging is collaborative learning.

Just like in the classroom, eLearning also allows learners to socially interact with other participants and instructors, but virtually. Through collaborative learning, learners can enrich their learning experiences by sharing chapter assessments, study materials, course links, and quizzes with others, via live chats, instant messaging, and forum boards.

For an interactive learning environment, you must have a collaborative dashboard into your eLearning portal, where students/professionals can access all their course collateral.


Multi-Device Usage

Today’s learners use devices of all sizes and shapes – mobile phones, tablets, laptops, desktops, and smart TVs to access eLearning courses. Depending on their location & convenience, they prefer switching multiple devices from smartphones to computers and explore the courses they need.

Almost all millennials (nearly 87%), use two to three devices per day to receive training & learning from online education portals. If you don’t agree with this fact, you can simply go and ask your employees, who have recently enrolled in an eLearning course.

Hence, creating multi-device eLearning is a great way to enhance interactivity among users. Once users find it comfortable to access courses on their preferred devices, no matter where they are, you are definitely going to witness a surge in your platform’s engagement stats.


Course Recommender

For learners, selecting the right course is always a confusing task. Especially, when your platform has a huge content library, users will definitely face difficulties in making a choice.

In such situations, if your platform automatically recommends relevant courses to the users, there are high chances, they will go with the suggested courses and will continue to engage with your eLearning service.

Basically, a course recommender is an artificial intelligence-based software program that helps e-Learners to choose an appropriate course as per their preference and capability.

Remember, when learners pick any random course from the content library, they often end up with frustration, and prefer leaving the platform complaining that it doesn’t have good & engaging course content. If you understand the intensity of such bad reviews in this competitive eLearning market, it’s essential for you to integrate an efficient recommendation engine into your e-Learning portal.

Have you checked out Alie – the AI-powered recommendation engine by Muvi? Well, it’s highly recommended for e-Learning platforms. Try Alie for free.



In the field of online education, Gamification is not a new concept. Many leading eLearning apps have been using this feature to promote commitment & active interest of students or professionals.

Extensive studies say games are very effective in increasing the level of motivation & interaction in learning, which in result greatly optimizes the learning process and shapes the knowledge of learners. Well, if you want users to engage with your application from Day 1, then betting on gamification extension will not let you down.

Study the behavior of your subscribers using analytics and accordingly integrate favorite gamification techniques like progress level, scores, avatars, virtual currencies, gifts, real-time performance feedback, and more. Additionally, lms customization allows you to tailor these gamification techniques to better fit the unique needs and preferences of your learners, enhancing engagement and educational outcomes.

Remember, when users will get involved through gamification, then learning will be fun and thus it will be a win-win situation for both you as well as your learners.


Get an interactive eLearning application instantly

So now you are well aware of the secrets of an interactive online learning portal. Do you think, your team can integrate all these above features in your platform without involving many hassles?

In case you are in doubt, don’t hesitate to launch your eLearning app with us. For your knowledge, Muvi’s state-of-the-art eLearning extension offers ample architectural support for scalability and adaptability. From customizable native apps to collaborative learning, you can build an interactive eLearning application as per your needs and deliver the best courses to your learners at great ease.

And the best thing is Muvi allows you to build your own white-labeled eLearning platform with zero coding setup. Well, what more do you need?


Build Your eLearning Platform Now

Written by: Rakesh Ranjan

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