How to Test CDN on Muvi Platform?

Ankit Jena Published on : 18 October 2022 4 minutes

  A CDN is a network of servers that deliver contents to your end-users according to their geographic location. Platforms use CDNs largely because they offer four important benefits: better performance, increased reliability, cost savings, and resilience against cyber-attacks. If … Continue reading

How to test CDN


A CDN is a network of servers that deliver contents to your end-users according to their geographic location. Platforms use CDNs largely because they offer four important benefits: better performance, increased reliability, cost savings, and resilience against cyber-attacks. If the CDN does not save resources in its cache properly or for a long time, this creates needlessly high levels of traffic amid the origin and the CDN. So, it’s very important to check the compatibility of CDN with your streaming platform. Muvi uses Amazon CloudFront and stores video files in AWS (Amazon Web Service) S3 Bucket and streams the videos through AWS CDN. Muvi lets you integrate your own CDN to its platform. By integrating your preference of CDN, you can flawlessly deliver your content to your end-users across the globe. Prior to integrating your own CDN with Muvi’s streaming platform, you can run a test to verify whether your CDN is compatible or not.

How to test CDN


How to Test the Compatibility of Your CDN with Muvi?

First of all, you need to create an account with Muvi or else you can try our 14 days Free Trial offer to test the compatibility. Next step is to integrate our CloudFront URL with your CDN. Once the integration process is done, you can verify the compatibility of the CDN by replacing the CloudFront URL with your CDN URL.


How can you get CloudFront URL?

  • Purchase the subscription or else take the free trial
  • Sign in to the Muvi CMS
  • Tap on an IMAGE on the IMAGE LIBRARY to open it on the browser
  • You can discover the CloudFront URL on the address bar


How to integrate Muvi’s CloudFront URL with your CDN?

Once signing in, click on CDN RESOURCES on the left-hand side menu

  • Choose MY ORIGIN from the field Where we take the data from
  • Select the port i.e., HTTP, HTTPS, or custom in the ORIGIN SERVER field
  • Paste the CloudFront URL that you got from Muvi
  • Click on CREATE CDN RESOURCES to accomplish the integration process
  • Our CDN will be combined with your CDN


Conducting The Compatibility Test

Log in to the Muvi CMS and navigate to MANAGE CONTENT à IMAGE LIBRARY in the CMS. Then, click on the Image Library to open it on the browser. On the address bar of the browser, replace the CloudFront URL with your CDN’s URL and then refresh the page. If the image displays on the browser, TEST is SUCCESSFUL.


How to access a powerful CDN?

There are several methods to access a CDN. Huge CDN streaming consumers generally work with Petabytes of data and spend tens of thousands of dollars on bandwidth. Several CDNs now provide pay-as-you-go contracts for smaller consumers. These are typically billed for bandwidth on a per-GB basis. If you have existing video files on your own servers, you can join this server to a live streaming CDN if you expect major traffic. Recently, CDNs have made it easier for businesses to distribute video content via streaming over their network. Still, for easy use, the best method to get the access to a powerful live streaming CDN is through a video streaming platform.


Choosing the Right CDN for your platform

Choosing a CDN to integrate with your streaming platform is quite a vital task. We suggest doing complete research before choosing your CDN to stream video online. Muvi offers a single service solution that can handle all your streaming needs under one roof. We provide video hosting, video distribution, CDN services, API access, video player, monetization, and much more.

Muvi’s Built-in CDN offers low-latency video or audio content delivery to our users across the globe. Backed by a highly scalable AWS CloudFront CDN, Muvi offers content through 225+ points of presence to a global network of forty-two accessibility zones connecting sixteen geographic regions around the globe.  

We hope this blog has helped you with steps to test your CDN on Muvi. If you are looking for the right CDN yet, take advantage of Muvi’s free trial.


How to test CDN

Written by: Ankit Jena

Ankit is Content Writer for Muvi’s Marketing unit. He is a passionate writer with 5+ Years of Experience in Content Creation And Development. In his past time, he likes to dance, play football and google various things to quench his thirst for knowledge.

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