Muvi’s In-Built Encoding and Transcoding Helps Deliver Contents Efficiently

Ankit Jena Published on : 11 November 2022 3 minutes

  Encoding and transcoding are the most vital concepts in the streaming media industry. Even if you do not belong to a technical background, the understanding of transcoding is key to the adaptive streaming workflow. It is one of the … Continue reading

encoding and Transcoding


Encoding and transcoding are the most vital concepts in the streaming media industry. Even if you do not belong to a technical background, the understanding of transcoding is key to the adaptive streaming workflow. It is one of the most vital elements of the streaming process and with proper implementation, can provide a smooth viewing experience no matter what device they are using and what is their bandwidth.

Muvi’s in-built encoding and transcoding helps you deliver a seamless and buffer free streaming experience to your audience effectively. Encoding helps compress the file size without affecting the quality of the video. It also helps you encode videos into multiple resolutions formats for buffer-free streaming, regardless of internet speed.


encoding and Transcoding


What is Encoding and Transcoding?

Encoding is the process of compressing video data for sending it to another location. In this process a video content is converted into a digital format that is compatible with all types of web players and mobile devices.

Transcoding is the procedure of taking an encoded digital video format and decoding it to change the file size or bitrate. It is mostly done to maximize the number of compatible playback devices, making the encoded data more accessible to a large group of audience.


How efficient is Encoding with Muvi?


Auto Encoding

Auto-encoding helps convert your raw video content file into a compatible format that is deliverable in your end-user’s device. Muvi’s in-built encoding converts your videos into streamable digital formats and compresses them automatically. You need to just upload your video contents and get ready to stream across devices as well as platforms. You do not need any external encoder.


Customized Encoding

Muvi also supports a customized encoding procedure where encoding is based on the need of the user using a 5-step process. It is on you to skip or continue with the steps depending upon your requirements. The 5-step process includes:

  • Raw encoding request – Here, the encoding engine starts its work with the raw content processing request
  • Analyze the file & ABR Conversion – Here, the encoding engine processes the downloaded file to validate all the meta information and encode the file to several resolutions depending upon the configuration.
  • Fragmentation – if the content encoding is DRM encoding then fragmentation is a compulsory part.
  • DRM Packaging – In this process, the content is being wrapped with a DRM package with an encryption key and content key.
  • Serve through CDN – The only finest method to deliver the content is CDN and now our encoded content is set to deliver through CDN.


Buffer free streaming

Muvi supports adaptive bitrate streaming to help deliver a buffer-free streaming experience to your audience. Based on the internet speed, the best possible video resolution will be played on the user’s device. Muvi’s encoding and transcoding helps optimize your video quality with appropriate rendition.


Conversion to Multiple Resolutions

Muvi’s in-built transcoding helps you increase your audience reach. It allows you to create your video content into multiple resolutions from 144, 240, 360, 480, 640, 720, 1080, 2K, up to 4K. We support various formats such as MP4, MOV, MKV, FLV, VOB, M4V, AVI, 3GP, and MPG.

Muvi’s video streaming platform has an easy-to-use and powerful streaming encoder and is built right to deliver the best streaming experience to your audience. If you are interested in accessing the best video hosting solution, sign up for a free trial today.

encoding and Transcoding

Written by: Ankit Jena

Ankit is Content Writer for Muvi’s Marketing unit. He is a passionate writer with 5+ Years of Experience in Content Creation And Development. In his past time, he likes to dance, play football and google various things to quench his thirst for knowledge.

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