The emerging need for social distancing amid the covid-19 pandemic has accelerated the interest in university virtual classroom settings. Students, faculty and administrators have now adopted and are comfortable with the virtual setting of the classrooms in the universities. With experts predicting that this educational setting is here to stay, it is safe to assume that the tech involved in making this possible will also see advancement..
University Virtual Classroom – What is it?
University virtual classroom is a setting where students and teachers remotely access the classes of different subjects on their smart devices through a stable internet connection. History reports that the first virtual classes began in the year 1970 and were conducted through the use of video recordings, postal mail, and land-line telephones. However, modern-day university virtual classrooms are way more advanced and easier to access.
University virtual classrooms are frequently integrated with a university’s learning management system (LMS). It offers a digital environment in which class is conducted and also serves as a source of class-related information. University virtual classroom also includes modules that boost interactivity, support student exams processes, and provide syllabus support.
These modules and features can include determining rooms, collaborative note-taking, quizzing, text-based charts and virtual whiteboards. It also includes analytics mapping that assists teachers to track and find out how video and other content in the university virtual classroom setting are helping the university digitally.
University virtual classrooms are not just about a group of students learning lessons from a teacher through video calls. Rather the university virtual environment is custom-made for education in a method that is more traditional than physical classrooms.

Advantages of Virtual classrooms in universities
It reduces absences
University virtual classrooms make students comfortable attending classes even though they have several conflicts in their day to day life. Vacation conflicts become obsolete because university virtual classrooms can help students attend university from anywhere in the world with a stable internet connection. Students with illnesses such as cold and fever can also attend the class without putting other students at risk.

It helps non-traditional students
University virtual classrooms provide a great advantage to non-traditional students such as students who have caregiving responsibilities at home or juggle university education and a job. Eliminating the traveling time, allows students to view recorded lectures at their preferred times, and helps students with younger ones stay at home with them. It also boasts access to education and promotes quality.
It promotes accessibility
Accessibility is again a great advantage of university virtual classrooms. Students admitted to hospitals, having vulnerable immune systems or who face other challenges owing to skipping on class participation in a physical setting, get substantial advantages from the university virtual classroom. For them, several types of learning tools and content categories accessible in university virtual classrooms can help boost classroom access for students with learning disabilities.
It helps language learners
Students who are also involved in their second or third language studies can benefit from a university virtual classroom environment that permits them to have text-based, video, and audio cues that can help them continue to expand their language knowledge while keeping up with the university’s materials.
It helps athletes keep up with the course and practice games
Some of the athletes find it quite challenging to train in their preferred sports as well as keep up on coursework. But with flexibility of location that university virtual classrooms offer, it can be much easier for them to accomplish courses and take a heavier course load than might be possible without virtual classrooms.
It improves graduation rates
When more students can efficiently complete their classes, the more they stay enrolled. With a higher number staying enrolled, the higher a university’s four and five-year graduation rates are likely to be. Improved graduation rates not only benefit universities financially, but also benefit them by improving their rankings in competitive surveys of the finest universities around the globe.

It allows universities to have global faculty
Universities not only benefit from virtual classrooms in terms of student satisfaction and performance from virtual classrooms but also help global faculty from around the world. The University virtual classroom environment allows universities to bring in guest lecturers and experts despite their global position. Virtual classroom software also helps educational organizations to do more with less budget impact.

University Virtual Classrooms – 5 Best Practices for Teachers
Do a practice run
Even if you are an expert, always do a test run before you start a new course. This will make sure your computer along with its video and audio equipment are aligned properly with your university virtual classroom. It will also help locate some cool features of the virtual learning platform.
Allow students to test the technology of the virtual classroom
Allow a group of students to take a test run of the virtual classroom and find out if they can log in properly, take a look around the functionalities, and test the equipment effectively.
Focus on Q&A
It’s best to focus your live classroom sessions on discussion, Q&A and group projects. Q & A sessions and in-video quizzes will help you keep track of which portion of the class is attentively viewed by the students and do they find the classes interesting or not.
Maximize student engagement
Keep your students engaged by promoting different activities in your virtual classroom support like group projects, and group note taking. Also, see if your virtual classroom technology offers students the ability to go through videos on a personalized trajectory based on their interests.
Analytics – help you see which students need extra help
In the best virtual classroom support platform, analytics will help you know so much more than who did the homework and who didn’t. Universities can also find out which content is looked at most frequently. Analytics is a great way to improve both student experience and teaching skills in the virtual university setting.
Muvi’s Virtual Classroom platform for universities
Are you searching for a flexible virtual classroom platform? Muvi’s virtual learning platform is designed for online classes and it easily integrates with all the top LMS and is packed with interactive features that will help endorse students’ engagement and improve student performance. It is an easy-to-use virtual classroom platform for both students and universities. Try the platform out using the free trial opportunity and know how it can help you set up your virtual space.

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