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How Secure Video Sharing of Muvi Flex Works?

Debarpita Banerjee Published on : 20 March 2024
How Secure Video Sharing of Muvi Flex Works

As content creators or video entrepreneurs, you constantly keep worrying about protecting your videos during playback, isn’t it? And that is why, you use layers of encryption including multi-DRM, forensic and dynamic watermarking, and many more advanced tools to prevent screen recording or unauthorized downloads. 

But what about the time when you share your videos via links, embed codes, or HLS URLs? The risk of piracy doesn’t disappear – it just transforms. And that is where the need for secure video sharing arises!

In this blog, we’ll delve into secure video sharing, exploring how Muvi Flex’s security architecture goes beyond playback protection to safeguard your content throughout the sharing journey. 

We’ll uncover the primary reasons why secure video sharing is crucial, and explore the benefits of secure video sharing platforms like Muvi Flex. So, keep reading to learn how you can share your videos with confidence, using Muvi Flex!

Why is Secure Video Sharing Important?

Secure video sharing is crucial for a number of reasons, including:

  • Preventing Piracy and Copyright Infringement: For creators and distributors of video content, secure sharing prevents piracy attempts on the share links and HLS URLs, hence protecting their intellectual property. It restricts unauthorized copying or distribution of videos that could lead to financial losses.
  • Maintaining Control Over the Content: Secure video sharing allows users to control who can view the video, from which part of the world, using which device.  
  • Maintaining Brand Reputation: When sharing sensitive business videos, secure video sharing demonstrates professionalism and fosters trust between collaborators or business partners.


Muvi Flex – Your Bankable Secure Video Sharing Platform

At Muvi Flex, we are committed to offering a completely secure video experience, which is defined by three-layered security:

  • Security of videos hosted over Muvi Flex
  • Security of videos that have been embedded and distributed
  • Security of videos that are being shared


That is why, we have integrated multiple advanced security features like multi-DRM, advanced watermarking that includes forensic and dynamic watermarking, domain restrictions, geoblocking, and more. And the best part is, the majority of these security features are applicable for video sharing too!

Top Features of Muvi Flex for Secure Video Sharing

When you need to share your videos hosted on Muvi Flex, you get three options to do so:

  1. You can share it directly via links
  2. You can share it as an embed option (embed code)
  3. You can share it as an HLS Output (HLS Link)


For all these three sharing options, you get multiple security features, including:

  1. DRM Encryption
  2. Advanced Watermarking
  3. Domain Restrictions
  4. Geo-Restrictions


The compatibility of different sharing options with the security features has been tabulated below. 

Sharing Options


Advanced Watermark

Domain Restriction

















Looking for a secure video sharing platform? Try Muvi Flex for FREE! Sign Up to start your 14-day FREE trial. No credit card required!

How Muvi Flex Secures The Videos That You Share?

Now let’s delve deeper into the functionality of the above-mentioned features to understand how these features work to secure the videos that you share using Muvi Flex. 

DRM Encryption

Muvi Flex uses DRM encryption to secure your video content during sharing. DRM is applicable for link-based and embedded code-based content sharing in Muvi Flex. 

Here’s a breakdown of how it works:

  • Encryption: The video content gets encrypted with a special key specific to the chosen DRM system. Muvi Flex supports multiple DRM systems including Widevine, Fairplay, and PlayReady. This encryption makes the video unreadable without the decryption key.
  • Licensing: Authorized users who purchase or subscribe to the content receive a license. This license essentially grants them permission to access the decryption key.
  • Content Delivery: The encrypted video is delivered securely via the content delivery network (CDN).
  • Decryption and Playback: When an authorized user tries to watch the video, their device communicates with the DRM system to verify their license. If valid, the decryption key is downloaded to the device. This key unlocks the encrypted video, allowing playback.


In essence, DRM acts like a digital lock and key system for your videos. The encryption scrambles the content, and only authorized users with the proper license can obtain the key to decrypt and watch it. This prevents unauthorized access and piracy during the sharing process.    

Advanced Watermarking

Muvi Flex offers two advanced watermarking techniques for video sharing:

  1. Server-side watermarking
  2. Forensic watermarking


These advanced watermarking features work with all the video-sharing options available on Muvi Flex. 

Here’s how they work:

Server-side Watermarking

  • Embedding: During the upload process, Muvi Flex servers imperceptibly embed a watermark directly into the video file. This watermark can contain various data like user IDs, IP addresses, or timestamps.
  • Invisibility: The watermark is designed to be invisible to the naked eye, becoming part of the video itself.
  • Tracking and Detection: If a watermarked video is leaked or shared unauthorizedly, Muvi Flex can detect the watermark during playback. By analyzing the watermark data, we can identify the source of the leak.


Forensic Watermarking

  • Embedding: Similar to server-side watermarking, a unique forensic watermark is embedded into the video during upload. However, forensic watermarks are even more sophisticated and harder to detect.
  • Focus on Identification: Forensic watermarks are primarily used for post-distribution tracking. They are not meant to be visible and are designed to be extremely difficult to remove from the video.
  • Evidence in Piracy Cases: If a watermarked video is found being distributed illegally, the watermark can serve as strong forensic evidence in court. By analyzing the watermark, you can trace the video back to its source.      


Here, it is important to note that apart from advanced watermarking, Muvi Flex does offer visible watermarking features too, but those watermarks are player-dependent. Hence, if you want to apply visible watermarks on your shared videos, you will have to make sure that it is played over Muvi Player by the end user.  

Domain Restrictions

Domain restriction in Muvi Flex’s video sharing is a way to control where your content can be streamed or played back. This feature essentially creates a digital fence around your video content. 

So, in this feature, Muvi Flex allows you to define a list of authorized domains. These domains represent websites or platforms where you want your video to be accessible. When a user tries to play the video, Muvi Flex’s system checks the domain name of the website or app. 

If the domain doesn’t match any of the authorized ones on your list, playback is restricted. The user might see an error message or simply be unable to load the video.

By specifying authorized domains, you ensure your videos can only be streamed from approved locations, reducing the risk of unauthorized uploads or leaks on unauthorized websites.     

Geo-Restrictions with VPN Detection

Muvi Flex’s geo-restriction feature for video sharing allows you to control the geographic location from where users can access your videos. 

When a user tries to play a video, Muvi Flex’s system tracks the user’s IP address. This IP address contains information about the user’s general location, like city, country, or region. If the user’s location falls outside the permitted zone, playback is restricted. The user might see an error message or be unable to load the video.

Now, some users might use a VPN to bypass this process. So, Muvi Flex’s GeoIP Intelligence automatically restricts access to your videos to those users who are using any 3rd party VPN to bypass the geo-restriction. 

Key Benefits of Muvi Flex’s Secure Video Sharing

Some of the key benefits of Muvi Flex’s Secure Video Sharing feature include:

  • Due to DRM encryption, your videos become unreadable without a decryption key. This significantly deters unauthorized access and piracy during sharing.
  • By controlling access to encrypted content, you can safeguard income streams from video sales, rentals, or subscriptions.
  •  Content creators can restrict video availability to specific territories as per their contracts, hence enforcing regional licensing agreements. 
  • The presence of invisible watermarks discourages unauthorized sharing, as the risk of being traced is high.
  • Forensic watermarks help identify the source of leaks, allowing Muvi Flex users to take appropriate action. 


To Sum Up

Muvi Flex ensures that your shared videos are viewed by only authorized individuals, for permitted purposes only. Along with secure video sharing, Muvi Flex also ensures secure video hosting and secure video playback, hence offering a completely secure video experience. 

And the best part is, you can try Muvi Flex for FREE for 14 days. No credit card is required. So, why wait? Sign up to start your 14-day free trial today!

video hosting


Secure video sharing is important because it allows you to control who sees your videos and how they’re used. Here are some of the benefits of secure video sharing:

  • Protects privacy: You can ensure that only authorized people can view your videos, preventing unauthorized access and potential leaks.
  • Maintains confidentiality: For business videos containing sensitive information or trade secrets, secure sharing prevents them from falling into the wrong hands.
  • Comply with regulations: Certain industries have regulations regarding data privacy and security. Secure video sharing helps ensure you comply with these regulations.
  • Limits unwanted distribution: You can control how your video is shared, preventing it from being downloaded or forwarded to unauthorized users.

Muvi Flex offers multiple security features for shared video content, including:

  • DRM Encryption
  • Advanced Watermarking
  • Domain Restrictions
  • Geo-Restrictions

Muvi Flex offers multi-DRM encryption for your video content to ensure that only authorized viewers can access it. Due to multi-DRM encryption, the video player needs a DRM license key to decrypt the encrypted content, which is delivered to authenticated and authorized viewers only. 

Written by: Debarpita Banerjee

Debarpita is a Content Writer with Muvi. With around 2 years of experience in content creation, she has worked across industries like SaaS, EdTech, eLearning, AR-VR, and Metaverse. She believes in delivering content that can be of some value to the readers. In her free time, she likes to try her hand at website and app development.

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