Streaming Could replace TV viewing

Roshan Dwivedi Published on : 12 January 2015 1 minute

TV viewing is in danger of being replaced by video streaming services as the primary platform of long-form programming watching among Millennial audiences, according to new research. Research study shows that just 55% of Millennials aged between 13 and 34 consider … Continue reading

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TV viewing is in danger of being replaced by video streaming services as the primary platform of long-form programming watching among Millennial audiences, according to new research. Research study shows that just 55% of Millennials aged between 13 and 34 consider TV as their primary viewing platform. In its place, streaming devices are set to dominate their preferences. Other findings showed Millennials valued their Netflix subscriptions more than broadcast and cable channels, with 51% saying the video streaming service was very valuable compared with 42% for broadcast channels and 36% for cable subscriptions.

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Read the entire story here.

Written by: Roshan Dwivedi

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